Who really was the man called Count Saint-Germain

There was a man recorded in history meeting with nobles, dining with kings and claiming to be an immortal magician! Was he a liar or was there some truth to this tale. Lets take a deeper look!

No one ever could verify his true origins, but many rumors swirled around him. Some claimed he was the third son of Leopold-George, third son of Francis II of Transylvania. Other reports claimed that he once told William of Hesse that he was actually Prince Ragoczy of Transylvania. What ever the truth may be lets see where his story begins....

His first appearance was noted to be in London in 1743, Two years later he was arrested as a Jacobite spy, but then released. Leaving London he traveled through Germany and Austria, where he met with the French Minister of War Marshal de Belle-Isle. He introduced the count to the French noble court.

In 1762 the count traveled to Saint Petersburg Russia and assisted in placing the daughter of a friend, princess of Anhalt-zerbest on the Russian throne. This was after the death of Peter III, the daughter became know as "Catherine the Great."

In 1774 he was in Germany and the count stayed with William IX of Hesse. Rumors say that at this time the count exchanged secrets with William and his financial adviser Mayer Rothschild. The count had a deep knowledge of Jewish Cabala and the Egyptian mysteries and used this knowledge to work his way to the top as the Grand Master of Freemasonry".

In 1782 high level occult Freemason Jean-Baptiste Willermoz and founder of modern spiritualism talked about Count St.Germain in his work called "The Freemason Brotherhood in France"

He was spotted and named by various nobles around 1821 and slightly thereafter. In the the 1900's and on, rumors of him still surfaced and people claimed him to still be alive. Saying that a man with his same appearance, but different names surfaced here and there, showing great wealth and knowledge, all claiming to be immortal.

Comte de Saint-Germain & Richard Chanfray, the main who claimed to be the Count in the 1970s. Chanfray appeared on television with his claim and supposedly changed lead into gold. Chanfray committed suicide in Saint Tropez in 1983, claims have been made that no body was discovered, just a suicide note was found.

Some of the things claimed by him and people claimed about the Count=
1.Spoke all European Languages
2.Deep knowledge in a huge and wide array of fields
3.He claimed to have the discovered the secret to immortality
4.Had amazing social skills and and could talk his way in and out of any situation
5.Claimed he knew Queen Clepotarta
6.Claimed to be among the guests at Cana when Jesus turned water into wine
7.His knowledge of history was astounding, his descriptions of historical events shocked most scholarly historians he spoke with while visiting noble courts
8.Voltaire once stated about the count, that he "is a man who knows everything"
9.He claimed to possess the secrets of removing flaws from diamonds and transmuting various metals.
10.King Louis XV gave him a lab for alchemical experiments and employed the count on secret diplomatic/spying missions
11.He was friends with the Casanova and the french revolutionary Cagliostro. Cagliostro even claiming that the Count helped establish Freemasonry while in Germany, working with the Duke of Brunswick and Prince Karl of Hesse
12.He was never seen eating or drinking, even while at large feasts
13.Many claimed he stopped aging and looked like a man in his 40's even after nobles would spend 20 plus years as friends with him

So who knows folks, the count could just be a great fairy tale or might we have something else here where a legend was based on many truths. What we do know is this man did live, moved in very high circles, was very influential, knew many things compared to other people of high education at the time and just might have defied time as we know it!

Thanks for reading and let me know what you think about the count.

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