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Bitcoin Will Become a Basic Utility, Just Like Email

Miguel CunetaMedium。2018.03.08




...... [以下重點節錄] .......

Email is a protocol (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), yet we send emails as if they were letters. Are they letters or not? They read like letters, except they’re digital. You can print it, yes, but does this make it any more “real” than when it was in digital form? Stripped down to its essence, it’s just a bunch of ones and zeroes. Does this make it any less real than an actual letter?




Seems complicated, right? Imagine trying to teach that to someone who has never touched a computer before. Here, let’s jump back to 1984 and see how they explained Email back then.

我覺得最有趣的是這一段,作者找了一段非常古老的影片不到5分鐘,推薦你去看一看。哇!看到好多熟悉 我爸爸告訴22歲的我的關於古老的通訊與電腦運作的影像呢!例如還在用撥接的Modem,那個熟悉的刺耳嘈雜連線聲音,甚至天啊!連電話撥打都還是用手指轉盤的時代呢!超級懷舊的~~

I still remember when Emails suddenly became accessible to everyone. It wasn’t just because of the web browser. It was the humble Internet Cafe that allowed mainstream users to use Email cheaply and easily. We paid as much $2 per hour for this here in the Philippines, and they used dial-up 56K modems. It was unusable by today’s standards, but I still remember sitting there in awe when the person I randomly chatted with on mIRC told me she was from the United States. We started exchanging emails after that. It was mind blowing.


It became so easy to create an email account, but you were advised to never use your real name. This was a just a fancy toy for geeks, and the internet, or “Cyberspace” in general was considered dangerous. Emails were not even considered an official way to communicate. Everyone used some kind of fake name, and you were limited to a certain number of messages in your inbox or else risk emails being bounced back to the sender.
People used weird Email addresses like HotLips69xoxo@hotmail.com. Business dealings still had to be faxed or done with printed paper or phone calls. It was a whole different world.



Today, we send an Email with a swipe of a finger from a tiny supercomputer containing about $32 MILLION worth of separate 1984 devices in the palm of our hands, with unlimited storage in the cloud and machine learning helping us with automatic responses.
We use Email without thinking about how it works because it has become a basic utility. It just works.


It’s 1984 For Bitcoin

Bitcoin is a protocol (Bitcoin), yet we send bitcoins as if it was money. Is it money or not? It transacts like money, except it is digital. You can print it, yes, but does this make it any more “real” than when it was in digital form? Stripped down to its essence, it is just a bunch of ones and zeroes. Does this make it any less real than actual physical money?

比特幣登場... 一樣的邏輯,歷史,是否正在重複這樣的邏輯?一樣是一套新的協定,一樣協助你使用電腦,透過網路來溝通與傳遞。只是這回,傳遞的是金錢。但是說到底,也不過是一堆的0與1,但難道這就比實質的紙鈔硬幣更不真實嗎?作者從Email開始,就是要告訴你這件事哪!


###The S-Curve of Technology Adoption


With Bitcoin and Blockchain tech, we are no different from the Email video from 1984 — we still need five-minute videos explaining how it works. People are still afraid of Bitcoin, thinking it is dangerous and only used by criminals in the dark web. The apps themselves are still clunky and too complicated for your average internet user. Bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchanges get hacked often, and scams abound the industry. The adoption of the technology on a global scale is not even at 1%, so we have a long way to go before we see this shift.


In the near future, we will be sending money to each other using the Bitcoin protocol, with a swipe of a finger, without needing to understand how it works. Explaining Bitcoin and Blockchain technology then will be as unnecessary as explaining Email today. It just works.

就像是你甚至不懂得愛迪生發明燈泡的科學原理,你不也天天開燈?你懂汽車引擎原理?鋼筋水泥建築物的構造?手機 4G LTE?互聯網的TCPIP?... 什麼,都不懂?那你還住房子、開車、天天用手機跟上網?所以,不用再費唇舌向人科普區塊鏈原理了,這不是懂不懂的問題,是要不要選擇相信的問題。

Not Just Money

Other Blockchain applications will also become basic utilities for a myriad of uses ranging from smart contracts, marketplaces, governance, provenance, and any service that requires agreement in a trustless environment.
Before we know it, the world will be using the Bitcoin protocol like we use Email today — as a basic utility for transferring information, but in this case, the information will have value.

最後,作者做出我們早已預期的答案:區塊鏈終將,像Email一樣,成為我們生活的日常。不只是金錢,而是與金錢驅動的很多很多相關的人類活動,你看看上面那張圖,那簡直是 騙錢最好用的圖啊 一個美好的生活場景呢!



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