Best Pictures of 2009 Around the world & some historical events

Year 2009 was very memorable with some special events that happened, I'm writing down some important events that happened in this year & some randomly picked pictures around the world from year 2009.

United States:
<> Barack Obama is inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States
<> Michael Jackson dies in strange circumstances and brings worldwide outpouring of grief
<>US Airways Flight 1549 after being struck by a flock of Canada geese shortly after takeoff Piloted by Captain Chesley B. "Sully" Sullenberger makes a successful Crash landing In the Hudson River

<>The deadliest bushfires in Australian history ( Black Saturday bushfires ) in the Australian state of Victoria leave 173 people dead and more than 2000 homes destroyed.

European Union:
<>Slovakia adopt the Euro joining 15 other European countries using the single currency

<>6.3 magnitude earthquake strikes near L'Aquila, Italy, killing nearly 300.

<>A 7.6-magnitude earthquake strikes 28 miles west-northwest of Padang, Sumatra killing over 1,000 in Indonesia

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