Lightning Bayezit - Part 1

Lightning Bayezit was born in Edirne in 1360. His father is Murat Hudavendigar, his mother is Gülcicek Hatun. Lightning Bayezit had a round face, white skin, coach nose, ela eyed, brown hair, with a frequent beard and broad shoulders. Because of the courage he showed during the battles he had entered, and the fact that he was passing quickly from the front to the front, he was wearing the nickname 'Lightning'. His childhood passed with his brothers in Bursa Palace. He's had a good education. Took lessons from by of the period greatest academics. In his youth, he was governor of Kütahya shack. The will of Sultan Murat Hudavendigar was brought to the sultanate in 1389. He was 29 years old on the board. At the head of Serbia was Stefan Lazaroevic, the son of King Lazar, who died in the war in Kosovo. He gave his sister Maria to Bayezit in Edirne where he came for the peace treaty. Thanks to this marriage, Ottoman-Serb friendship was established. Yıldırım Bayezit was defeated in the Ankara war he had with Timur and the prisoner fell. At the end of the 13th year of sultanate, he died 7 months and 12 days after the beginning of the bondage.
After the conquest of Bulgaria and Bosnia in 1389, Lightning Bayezit, who informed that there was a situation in Anatolia, signed clear agreements with the Balkan states. Lightning entered the struggle against the Anatolian Principalitys, who had the opportunity of Sultan Murat's death and made a strong alliance against the Ottomans. The Karaman Sons occupied both Beysehir and Saruhan, Mentese, Aydin and Germiyan Principality province. Lightning Bayezit entered Anatolia with the Serbian forces he accompanied and seized the territories of these rebellious sovereigns one by one. Candaroglu also accepted Ottoman rule in Isfendiyar Bey.

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