The Lie of Progress: Reasoning the Truth from Evidence

Ken Burns, famous for his narration of Oregon Public Broadcasting history specials, is a warm memory in my mind.

The narration style over slowly panning black and white imagery of settlers was inspiring, and seemingly steeped in traditions, struggle and epic stories of the birth of great people.


In the mind of an American, there is nothing more American than Ken Burns.

There is nothing more mythical, more inspirational than seeing the early photographs and hearing of the sprouting up of civilization from the primitive and squalid conditions of "pre-civilization life" --

But Ken Burns is a lot of hot air.

In 2023, we have access to historical images and archives never before seen. We can peruse databases never before available.

We no longer need to listen to the "seashells" of OPB, murmuring soft sweet amber lies into our ears about Progress, Community, Humanity's great struggle to become civilized, and its great advances technologically in the past 100 years.

Above we see the "Grand Canyon", or is it the remnant of super huge walled city scapes?

Why are certain areas contextualized in special ways historically and why is the narrative unprepared to explain rectangular openings in repeated formations across lesser known photos?

Metal structures embedded inside the grand walled cities of the canyon? That um, stay with the tour, kids. Stay with the tour!!!

Today, we have the mind shattering paradigms that need an answer, and no one can answer these questions.

Why? Because the chasm left by the Deceit is so vast, one's mind almost shudders.

The above video by Youtube user Jarid Boosters shines the light on the absurdist lies of Progress in the city of Portland.

We are supposed to be believe: From supposed empty muddy hilly clearings to a vast iron-Corinthian metropolis bustling with millions of people in less than 30 years or so? I don't think so.

The mainstream Oregon narratives seem to oscillate between floods and fires (as is typical with many other large cities with ambiguous pasts), to stories of sudden re-population via advertising. Gold rushes! But the buildings just happen to be gargantuan in size, using an inordinate amount of Corinthian architectural features like massive archways, arches, arches, and more arches. Made of amazingly quarried stones and elaborately decorated, by mud-hill settlers and their pickaxes, covered wagons and oxen alone.

Yep. Again, stay with the tour, guys. Nothing to see here!

In the end, the Mainstream Ken Burns Narrative is as neatly fitted as a semi truck fits into an engagement ring.

Using AI, we asked:
"Speculate how a highly advanced civilization could step by step stage and conceal evidence of its capabilities, architectural, scientific, technological, while preparing a narrative for a population that has just been raised to live in a theme park of lesser achievement technologically and scientifically?"

The AI Response (, a ChatGPT clone):
"A highly advanced civilization could step by step stage and conceal evidence of its capabilities by first limiting the access that the population has to the artifacts and technologies of the advanced civilization. This could be done by controlling access to certain areas, establishing strict rules for anyone who wants to enter, or by simply removing any evidence of the advanced civilization."

"The narrative for the population could be constructed by gradually introducing technologies that are within the scope of the population's understanding, and gradually introducing more advanced technologies over time. This would allow the population to become familiar with the technology and believe it is within their own capabilities."

"The narrative could also be constructed by creating a mythology around the advanced civilization, with stories and legends about how the population got to where they are. This myth could be further developed by playing off of existing religions and beliefs of the population, as well as introducing new ideas and stories that the population can relate to and believe."

"Finally, the advanced civilization could use propaganda and media control to shape the narrative and ensure that the population remains unaware of the advanced technologies and capabilities of the civilization. This could include censoring certain topics from the media, promoting certain ideas, and controlling access to certain sources of information."


  • Edison invented electrical devices (LOL)
  • Marconi made the radio (LOL)
  • Bill Gates started his company in a garage (LOL)
  • Elon Musk came from PayPal "humble beginnings" (LOL)
  • Humans progressed in 150 years to speaking AI (LOL)

Anyway, here's some nonsense stones to look at (video below) -- made with little chisels by cavemen who didn't have mathematics or AI, or advanced masonry for that matter. Just little ol' cavemen living in huts.

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