Unknown Facts About "Adolf Hitler's" wife Eva Braun

Adolf Hitler is known as World's cruelest and violent men but he is a painter and lover too.

His ideas and thoughts results in World War results in death of 6 million jews.

But many of us don't know about his wife "Eva Braun" . She is  a kind of crazy as well like him.

Here are some unheard facts about Eva Braun:-

1) Since teenager Eva was crazy about boys:-

Because of her craziness about boys her parents send her to catholics school run by nuns.

2) She is a photographer , works at Hitler's friend studio

3) Her Photographs shows Hitler a Noble man " Photography skills"

4) She make a lot of money after selling her clicked pics to " Heinrich Hoffmann"

5) She shoots herself in chest just to get Hitler's Attention

She shots her self in chest in 1932 to get noticed by Hitler saved by his doctors.

6) Three Years later she again attempted suicide

she ate sleeping pills in 1935 results in Hitler starts paying more attention to her.

7) During War or after war she lives with Hitler

She stays at  Hitler's Berghof chalet situated  in the  Bavarian Alps.

8) She helps to make Hitler delusional  

9) They Get Married in 1945 April 29

But the couple not able to make their Honeymoon as they were killed after a day of their marriage.

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