Cool photo of a group of Danish resistance fighters holding up and stealing the weapons of two German soldiers in Copenhagen 1945


What is especially interesting you see one of the danish resistance fighters putting his hand in his trench coat pocket signifying he may have a gun on him. Whether or not he did or it was just an elaborate bluff, this photo really shows the methods of how the resistance was able to acquire weapons. Because the weapons parachuted to them by powers like Britain or the US were submachine guns or pistols, the Danes needed more firepower if they want to stand a chance against the Germans. What better way than to use their enemy’s weapons against them. Rifles, hand grenades, pistols, and submachine guns were all valued since German weapons were more reliable and ammo was plentiful since they were under Nazi control. Fighters would isolate a small group of Germans and rob them as seen above or in dance clubs where German soldiers would be relaxing and someone would pickpocket their uniforms. German soldiers wouldn’t be killed by the resistance unless absolutely necessary since that would bring brutal retaliation from the SS and other anti partisan groups.

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