Celebrating the national day of Algeria !!

hello everyone
hope you're alright

today is the first november, a national day in my country where we remember all our martyrs who took over freedom of Algeria.

The first november of 1954 is the day of algeria, the one that marked the whole history.

In that day Algerians declared officialy the outbreak of the revolution against one of the powerfull countries in the world that time (France).

After 124 years of the french dominance on Algeria,after all sort of killing, torture and injustice making the french colonisation considered as one of the most murdress of the history.

And like it was not enough the colonisation tried to erase the algerian identity by prohibiting all sort of education for algerians. So, they were killing all teachers who were giving arab, religion and history courses secretly.

But, even with the war, Algerians had never forgetten their identity and were all united where the revolution began.

one of the most famous declaration is of an algerian combatant chief when he said

" throw the revolution to the people and they will hang it "

And that's what happened, after 8 years and one milion and half of martyrs, algeria finaly took it's independence on the 5 july of 1962.


Thanks for reading
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