The Original 9/11, Part 2: The Battle of Vienna

This follows my post from yesterday titled "The Original 9/11"

September 12th, 1683; The battle started around 4am with an Ottoman attack on the German and Austian lines as they were starting to deploy their troop to the battlefield. Heavy fighting insued but the Austrian and German forces mannaged to advance on the Ottoman's left and center positions despite numerous counter attacks. By the early afternoon the Ottoman forces had been sevearly weekend but were gearing up for a massive counter attack and still planned to take the city with their elite troops before the Polish King John III Sobieski could enter the battle. It was at this point, however, that the Polish infantry arrived on the Ottomans right flank engaging the muslim army on a third side in the battle. Over the next few hours the coalition of Christian armies advanced and took ground from the Ottomans until the late afternoon when the Polish heavy cavalry, the "Winged Hussars", arrived. Slowly, 3000 Winged Hussars led by the King himself emerged from the forest, to the chears of the christian forces,almost as if it were a scene from a movie. The Ottomans were now surrounded on three sides and some started to flee. Around 6pm, the Polish King spearheaded the largest cavalry charge in history leading a combined 18,000 horsemen. Thundering down from the hill top they easily smashed through the Ottoman lines and continued straight into the camp and the Ottoman headquarters decisively ending the Battle of Vienna. In the years shortly after, the Ottomans had been pushed out of a large portion of their lands in Europe. September 11th, 1683 was the last day of muslim advances into Europe.

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