Lawang Sewu building has a long history as well as a mystical story


It is said that this Lawang Sewu building has a long history as well as a mystical story. It is located in the city of Semarang. It is an office of the Nederlands-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij or NIS. Much is preached on the mystery of sightings and screams and about the occult at Lawang Sewu at night.
Currently this building is a historical sights even though many are also fun people who make it a test arena of guts. Lawang Sewu building is famous for creepy and haunted.

Built in 1904 and completed in 1907, Lawang Sewu is at the Tugu Muda roundabout formerly called Wilhelminaplein. Local people call it Lawang Sewu (Thousand Doors) because the building has a door that very much. Despite the fact that the door is not up to a thousand. The building also has many high and wide windows, so people often think of it as a door (lawang).

This ancient and majestic two-storey building after independence was used as the office of Djawatan Kereta Api Repoeblik Indonesia (DKARI) or now PT. Kereta Api Indonesia. Also used as Office of Infrastructure Regional Military Command (Kodam IV / Diponegoro) and Regional Office (Kanwil) Ministry of Transportation of Central Java.

During the struggle of this building has its own historical record that is when the five-day battles took place in Semarang (October 14 - October 19, 1945). The old building is a great battleground between the youth of AMKA or the Youth Force Railway against Kempetai and Kidobutai, Japan. Therefore from the Government of Semarang City with the Decree of the Mayor Number. 650/50/1992, include Lawang Sewu as one of 102 ancient or historic buildings in Semarang City that should be protected.

Lawang Sewu is very famous to foreign countries will be mystical in its appeal of this history, It was 21.00 pm We arrived at Lawang Sewu. because it is our intention, we also dare to ask permission to the guard of Lawang Sewu Building and expressed at length about our mission and desire to get into the House. After a long negotiation we are allowed to enter the building area.

Mbah Djamal suggests to go inside through west door.
Just a few steps to the entrance, we were shocked by the figure of a creature dressed like a soldier of a Dutch soldier standing beside the door with a ruthless face. we tried to ignore it. Only Mbah Djamal is approaching like asking permission to enter the room inside.

Just continue the way about our 10 steps in shocked by the figure of a whining woman sat leaning against one of the poles with a rather creepy face but still looks the face of broken bule as menyayat.Kata Mbah Djamal, we were told not to ignore and continue the journey. Throughout the journey we encountered a lot of figures or creatures like grandmothers, there is also a look like Indonesian soldiers who mudik back and forth as if to seduce us.

Entering the second floor we paused, led by Mbah Djamal we sat in a circle with the command of Mbah Djamal we all did the meditation. I was shocked to see one of my colleagues suddenly spasms and his mouth goggle as if angry. It turned out that Mbah Djamal deliberately invited one of the residents Lawang Sewu Building to enter the body of my colleague named Samsuri.

Mbah Djamal prefaced to say hello and then greeted by Samsuri whose voice has changed like grandfather occasionally coughing. "Nuwunsewu sakderenge mbok bilih kulo group nggangu anggenipun kesenipun" (We apologize in advance if we disrupt a group break). With a voice yelled at Samsuri who was in the possession of the invisible creature asked "Opo karepmu ??" (what is the purpose of your arrival ??). Mbah Djamal then told the purpose of his arrival and asked to tell the origin of the event or the history of this building following the magic stored in Lawang Sewu Building which is famous for this haunted.

For almost an hour we listened to the story of Samsuri who had been in the possession of a magical thing that turned out to be called Mbah Lanang, according to the story of Mbah Lanang before it was built The building is a swamp inhabited by Siluman Buaya until now unseen creature shaped a crocodile still often wandering around this building. And many other historical massacres and other sadistic events that became the history of this building to be haunted.

After the calling ritual of the creature known as Mbah Lanang was completed, we continued our journey into the Lawang Sewu Building where there was a room that was supposedly used as an execution site with humid air and water level at ankle level. It is clear that there is an aura in this room, true as it is told in the room many people there are black creatures who just stay in the corner of the room so we do not want to disturb him.

Once satisfied we wandered around in a truly magnificent building with a very sturdy building and truly proved to save a million mysteries and miracles that are visible.

Many messages that we can pick from our adventure with Mbah Djamal in Lawang Sewu building. Our nature and nature Supernatural beings are very different, but on the other hand we and they have the same right to own a place and all are required to respect each other and respect one another, not to harass or annoy each other.

Just like humans if in disturbing then they will be angry. No wonder if there are humans who are desperate to act arbitrarily outside the rules of modesty such as urinate carelessly, being menstruating or talking carelessly in the area the culprit will be possessed.

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