The existence of bunker relic of the colonial period of japan and dutch in aceh

It reminds us of how the Vietnam troops defended themselves from enemy attacks on the Vietnam war of November 1, 1955 - 1975 by digging the ground and making a defense inside it that was named the bunker.

And as it turned out, during the colonial period by some countries, Aceh also had bunkers built along the shore to serve as a fortress in the face of colonials landing through the beaches of aceh by using their warships to control a number of diaceh areas as colonies Because Aceh has food and clothing that is abundant.
This is historical evidence of how aceh has a bunker for his country's defense from enemy attacks.

History explains that aceh which is part of Indonesia ever colonized by the Dutch from 1602 - 1942 which in the end president Sukarno who was the first pesantren in Indonesia who held the leadership until the end of his life mempploklamirkan Indonesia independence in 1945.

However, actually Aceh is not a country whose leadership is controlled by the president, but is a state controlled by the king, but the winding history of putting aceh into part of Indonesia begins with how the people of Aceh to defend Indonesia to independence.


From the picture above we can see the parallel bunker on the beach..

Below is a bunker door that is in aceh, looks small and narrow. But historical facts state that the nation of Aceh could repeatedly repel enemy troops only by using traditional weapons.

Below we can see how bunker sightings from within.

This is aceh beach along the beach we can find dozens of bunkers which among them still stand firmly but without treatment, this is a historical site that has a high value for aceh hereditary for generations to know how its predecessors (ancestors) defend the country from the occupation of the Invaders.

This is a brief history of the existence of bunkers that still stand firmly in aceh, may be a knowledge for us all and hopefully every nation can appreciate, love also preserve every historical site owned by the nation so that history is not only written in books and stories, but also can be seen Its existence.

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