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Sereune Kalee, Aceh's traditional musical instruments

Sereune Kalee is one of Aceh's traditional musical instruments. This tool is shaped like a trumpet that does have a special feature of Aceh, its shape resembles a clarinet and elongated, when played usually Serune kalee accompanied by other musical instruments such as geundrang, rapai, and a number of other traditional instruments

Serune kalee is still used for traditional occasions such as welcoming guests, weddings, or just mere entertainment serune kalee always decorate the event.

Serune Kalee's word refers to two different things. The first word, Serune refers to the traditional Acehnese inflatable instrument often played together. While Kalee is the name of a village in Laweung, Pidie District. Thus, Serune Kalee means a sermon from Kalee. The naming may be related to its creation or appearance.


This musical instrument is not only used by the people of Aceh, but also the people of Minangkabau, Agam, and several other areas in West Sumatra. In fact, the distribution of this equipment reached Thailand, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia. Similar musical instruments are also found in coastal areas and other parts of Aceh Province, such as Pidie, Aceh Utara, Aceh Besar, and Aceh Barat with similar names.

Each area that uses this type of music gives a variety of variations on the equipment, so the shape and name also vary. However, among several varieties of serune, there are similarities in the nuances of the sounds raised, the barrel of the tone, the vibration, the volume, the dynamics of the voice.


Serune Kalee as a primary tool, playing a more instrumental role. Serune Kalee is played with a continuous and uninterrupted sound. The sound is generated from a blowing technique by taking a breath from the mouth and nose and neck. With Serune Kalee's sharp voice the music will sound dynamic, seem heroic, and bring excitement. Serune Kalee's unique musical style will not be disturbed or interfere with other sounds when participating accompanying percussion tool like rapai


The shape and shape of this equipment such as batons, round, and straight starting from the upper limit (mondstuk) to the bottom (bell). The top of the tool is small and enlarged at the bottom. In the body or body there are holes as a place to play the desired tone. This equipment has a black base color, this is probably caused by too much hold or indeed the base color of wood made for this equipment is black.

Ways of making
To make musical instruments serune kalee, the craftsmen need the selected wood as the base material, they choose wood with strong and hard characteristics but must be light. Before being made into a musical instrument, the wood is soaked in water for 3 months.

After soaking the wood is trimmed to the remaining part that will be used as a musical instrument which is usually called "wood heart". The part will be drilled to form a hole with a diameter of about 2 cm. Next live make the holes - the hole tone that there are 6 pieces.


How to Play
This traditional instrument is blown with a vertical position. The player of this tool can blow it while standing, sitting cross-legged on a mat, or can also sit on a chair. In an official show or event, Serune Kalee players wear traditional clothing. A person who is a Serune Kalee blower is required to have strong teeth and strong breathing, having to make continuous breathing and breathing.

Meanwhile, the fingers of both hands serve as a tone control by opening and closing the tone hole. It is this finger that will adjust the height and the low tone. The composition of players usually consists of three people, namely 1 person blowing Serune Kalee, one drummer strikes, one another plays rapai. Melody pressure usually falls on the last beat rhythm.


Serune Kalee music games are typically 2/4 or 4/4 playable in andante, moderato, and allegro rhythms. The ideal formation in Serune Kalee performances is 1 piece of Bulon Perindu, 8 rapai, 2 drums, 4 rapai pase. Sometimes this musical instrument is combined with various types of other musical instruments, such as drums, electric guitars, bass, clarinet, and others.

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