*Hidden Photos Competition* - Sharing the life, love and money.


We, BoomPost, are avid fans of photography and believe that beauty can be captured in every aspect of life in some shape or form. We consistently attempt to capture the beauty from every perspective that life has to offer and believe, for the most part, that we have been successful.

However, if we have been successful, doesn’t that mean that many other people have, too? From all over the world there are different opinions and preferences, countless photographers with different concepts.

In the pursuit of bringing these photographers to light and giving them what they deserve for the talent they possess we have decided to start this weekly competition. The details of this competition can be found below:

This is not a picture for the competition, but an example, nor is it of high quality. We live in Vietnam and what you see is a, very much, used Pagoda, this is a way of life and would be considered day-to-day life by the Vietnamese.

HOW TO ENTER: Either email us your photo with your Steemit username along with a brief description to boompostal@gmail.com and/or create a new post with the first initial tag being ‘HiddenPhotos’.

HOW IT WORKS: Starting from this post, we will list a topic and keen photographers will have 7 days to submit their photos to us in one or two of the two entering methods, above. After 7 days we will create a new post, listing up to 10 photos along with the details of the person who took each photo. Again, after 7 days, the photographer who receives the most votes will receive the reward.

VOTING: Voting will be done in the comments section of the post. We will create 1 comment per photographer to allow the public to individually vote. We, at the end and personally, will tally the votes to make sure everything is in order.

THE REWARD: Now, what you’ve been waiting to read (if you read everything else first). The winner will take 60% of the total post’s value (so, the more sharing/upvoting done, the more value it will have). We do, however, believe that everyone who got into the competition deserves something for their time – as we said above, a comment will be made for each photographer for voting purposes. 50% of the money made on each comment relating to a specific competitor will be received by them. The reward monies will be sent within Steemit.

PLEASE NOTE: We will check the originality of the photos posted and if found to not be the work of the said photographer, their work will be disqualified. Also, as stated above, in a nutshell; everyone who enters will make some form of money and at no great cost other than a small amount of time to send or post to us. Please do not hesitate to comment with any questions, we will be happy to address any concerns or queries.

Day-to-Day Life.
(There is no right or wrong photo here, but please submit a photo that you believe relates to this as much as possible). Remember, you all now have 7 days to submit your work. In 7 days the competition will start.

Don’t forget to like and follow us and our posts to see updates and get involved whenever possible. We plan, not only to hold a competition each week but to hold multiple! :D

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