Reading Energetics | Pt. 1 - Underlying Telltale-Signs & Google's Function in Plain Sight

What seemingly started as a benign advancement for humanity - the ability to effectively search the internet for any type of information - has turned into one of the biggest forces of privacy-erosion and the destruction of individual liberties. Google - once proud to present their motto "Do no evil" - has not only stopped mentioning said mission statement, it has outright become complicit in the largets and most far-reaching data collection apparatus humanity has ever seen.

But while that certainly isn't new to anyone who has been paying attention in the last couple of years, we can indeed use these malign developments to get a better understanding for how energetics underlie any- and everything that exists. And often times, the universe has a real sense of humour - teasing us to finally wake up and start making better choices for the services we use and the alternative pathways we refuse to walk. And the longer we slumber the more intense these jokes become.


What do you mean by "energetics"?

Well, it's really simple actually - too simple for most - that's kind of the issue here.

Most if not all developments in the world carry a certain energetic flair to them. In my ongoing series "Etymology and the power of the word" I have already written about this on the side. For instance, often times the name of a given individual pushing for horribly authoritarian ideas has a hint of their public function embedded or - dare I say - coded within their name.

This will sound like utter nonsense to people who believe everything to be random and void of meaning. But for those who can see and dare to go a step further than their mainstream culture allows for it becomes blatantly obvious the more examples we get.

Take the name Bernie Madoff for example. Madoff. The guy who made off with your money.

How about Mr. Rumsfeld? If you are capable of the German language the name might make you giggle, because it literally means "booming field". A "Rumms" is a loud boom, "Feld" equals field. Could you guess what his main purpose would likely be? Well we all know about the wars and invasions the man was involved in at the highest publicly discussed levels of decision-making for the machine. Pretty sick joke if you ask me.

How about "Zuckerberg"? "Zucker" is the German term for sugar, whereas "Berg" is the term for mountain. Mark Sugarmountain. How fitting to a dude sitting on a pile of information probably more valuable than sugar ever was, and sugar was REALLY valuable not too long ago.

How about the purported name of the dude who was allegedly responsibe for the Boston Marathon bombing? Dzhokhar. The joker. As wikipedia claims: "An unprecedented manhunt for Dzhokhar ensued on April 19". Did you fall for the joke like most people did?

The point here is that often times, the energetics that underlie names, events, alleged acts of terrorism and the like can be a tremendous insight into the hidden aspects of what we are officially presented with. It's the kind of thing kids would regularly wonder about: "Mom, why is that man called the joker like in Batman?"

"Oh my child, he is not called the joker. It just sounds very similar, here watch some television and stop asking those weird questions. Mommy is tired."


The hints are getting more intense

I have come to a point where it feels like an almost conscious effort to me on the powers that be to shake humanity awake. This might be a hugely unpopular thing to say in truthseeker circles but really, these developments of recent years have become so outrightly absurd and graphic that it has to amaze us how little of this trend is noticed by the majority of people in our society. A society that is completely ruled and controlled through language and concepts. You would think these things would ring a huge alarm bell, but apart from conspiracy observers nobody really seems to care.

Just like the L.U.C.I.F.E.R. telescope of the Vatican that seems to raise no eyebrows with most people at all. It's so clear in fact that its clarity precludes people from seeing it. "They would never do something like that on purpose, there must be a perfectly reasonable explanation and you are a conspiracy nut"

There's always an explanation offered to keep the docile within their little bubble of regurgitation, no matter how improbable it may be. And I do not exclude myself from this, I have found myself stuck in other people's narratives way too often to claim I am immune. I don't think anyone is.


So what about Google then?

Well in the most recent case for energetics that will outright scream at ya, I came across the information that Google - looking for a new headquarters in Berlin to expand their operations - was offered a certain piece of 'historically significant' real estate. Can you guess which one it is?

That's right, one of the self-described political parties of 'Germany' have offered the former Stasi headquarters to the spy-giant. The Stasi was the infamous so-called "state security" of the DDR, the former quasi-government apparatus under Soviet rule reigning over the Eastern sector of 'Germany' druing the "Cold War" that spied on the people and undertook massive efforts to motivate citizens to oust their own family members, neighbors and anyone critical of the regime to the authorities.

And now, the self-proclaimed authorities in 'Germany' found it in their hearts to offer these former headquarters of spying, infiltration and liberty-erosion to the tech giant who has already done the same for years and has probably long surpassed the Stasi's amount and detail of information gathered on most (internet-using) people on Earth.

It really doesn't get much clearer than this. Talk about "hidden in plain sight".

Any child can see the significance here, it's mostly educated adults who swallow the hollow explanations given why this is of course all just due to "strategic city planning" and "improving the job quality and image of the neighborhood" - duh!

If you believe that sort of thing you need more time and WTF moments.

There are always explanations and people telling you why X does not equal X. And you are free to believe what you will of course. But isn't this just freakin' weird?! It's a brilliant wake-up call for those unconsciously flirting with waking up.

But to a lot of people I respect that have gone on energetically intense journeys of the mind, explored the connection of intention and physicality, and have successfully retained an open mind in the face of unanimously-believed narratives of our age - these hints speak louder than any official attempt to explain the magic away. It is magic to those who can read it. To those who can't it means nothing.

The tragic thing is we get divided further and further for our own ability and courage to read the signs others can't or refuse to. The divide is getting larger day by day as narratives drift apart further and further, and public sentiment is galvanized into opposing camps of interpretation. Those who dare to interpret, and those who simply adopt the official explanations given to us.

I say so because this piece of information was spread by the Associated Press, a highly questionable medium that offers its articles to news outlets for a subscription fee so that certain important messages an be spread far and wide into the culture. Rt was one of the many outlets relaying the article to the public..

Problem is, there are also German sources that confirm this situation.

Just because it has been proposed does not mean it will actually happen. And really, energetics aren't about that. They are about a clear message that any simpleton can understand provided he is still in possession of his own authority of interpretation. It is like an energetic scent or signature - if you will - that speaks a clear and unmistakable language to those who can see. And to take note of that message - moreso than the words written in the article - citing official explanations and rationalizations.

I don't trust the mainstream media for a second, but this is really a gem to stumble over and to remind ourselves of the importance of actuality, discernment and common sense instead of blindly trusting the nonsense narratives given to us by the King and his vast staff of payroll magicians who are working tirelessly to explain away any- and everything that could help us see through the charade.


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