HiBTC is awesome exchange !

There are so many exchanges but i will introduce to you one of the best exchange in the world ! That is HiBTC .
Why will HiBTC be the best exchange in the world !
HIBTC exchange will share 40% profit to HIBT tokens holders :
Unlike other trading platforms, you can only keep their tokens to reduce transaction fees. The Hibtc exchange , dividing its profitability for everyone by holding the tokens of HIBTC exchange , you buy as many Hibtc tokens then you will be dividing the more profit. Once you purchase Hibtc tokens, you can send tokens to the Excess dividend and you select the appropriate packages to lock and receive your dividend.
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And you have right to vote for new coins or tokens to list on this exchange . That is really impressive .
Special program is FOMO HIBT:
HiBTC will set up a prize pool growing in size along with the exchanges growing incomes. HiBTC shall put the 100% of the daily dividend of the account “Holder Shared Fund” into the bonus pool, every day before someone trigger the price. Once the pool is triggered, the HIBTs trading contributors of the day will be distributed all prize in the pool.
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That is very special and another exchanges don't have .
There are only 10 tokens HIBT only :
HiBTC Token (HIBT) is the token issued by HiBTC. The entire issued HIBT base equates to the overall ownership of HiBTC trading platform which adopts an innovative “trading as mining” model. The total number of issued HIBTs is set at 10 billion and will never increase.
Issue total number: 10 billion

50%, Trade-fee mining reward

18%, Holder shared fund

25%, Founding team and strategic partners

5%, Cornerstone investors

2%, Market promotion
The website is super fast and very secure . I can see their team is working non stop . Screenshot (230).png
The exchanges be attacking by hackers every day that is why HiBTC put safety of the users’ digital assets is our top priority. HiBTC collaborates with top security companies, examining the plaform codes and setting up multi-layer firewalls before the plaform is put into use, and after its launch, using multi-signature and cold/hot wallet separation to place over 90% assets in the cold wallet as so to maximize the security of user assets.
Transaction mining:
HiBTC adopts the “transaction + token holding” mining model,under which 50% of the HiBTC Token (HIBT) is rewarded to users through transaction processing fee mining. Every !me a user partcipates in a transaction with HiBTC, a transaction processing fee is generated, and then based on the HIBT held by the user and the market price of the processing fee paid by the user and the HIBT market price, HiBTC calculates the number of rewarded HIBT the user should receive according to a proportion and settle and release the HIBT once per hour.
Last but not least is World’s first “Holder Shared Fund” :
Of the HIBT issued by HiBTC, 1 billion 800 million will be allocated to the "Money Holder sharing fund", (which is thawed according to the proportion of mining output). and the fund account will be made publicly to all users right after the plaform is put into use. The HIBT unlocked in the account will be 100% locked in the fund account until the mining is finished and won’t flow into the secondary market. This part of HIBT dividends will be used to repurchase secondary market HIBT. HIBT got by purchasing will be locked in the fund account, too. When the mining is finished, all assets in the Holder Shared Fund Account, including HIBT and dividends, will completely belong to all the HIBT holders, and the specific disposal plan will be published in time after the mining is finished.
For those reasons , i love this exchange so much . And hope you will find this is the best investment in this year . Buy some HIBT tokens now and they will bring huge profit for your investment .
Website : https://www.hibtc.com
Whitepaper : https://www.hibtc.com/om/about/en-us/whitepaper.pdf
Thank you very much.
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