I left no tip for the first time in my life. Here's what happend...


I was in a restaurant (Can I get in trouble for stating the name of the place? Let me know in the comments... ) for a business luncheon. The waiter came over with 2 glasses of water. I thanked him and asked for 2 lemon wheels, to which he lavishly rolled his eyes and went to get them. My client noticed, but said nothing as we were on a time crunch.

I looked closer at my water glass and it was filthy. I didn’t want to be ‘that person’. I definitely didn't want to point it out to my client, bc it was my client who picked the location. I just left the water alone and said nothing. Besides, the lemon wheels sanitize the water anyways (protip - science!). Upon his return, he took our orders, almost begrudgingly. I was very confused by his attitude as we were super polite and respectful the entire time.

I've been in food service (lunch and dinner rush). I remember what it's like.

The orders finally came and mine was totally incorrect. I, honestly, was going to just eat it to avoid possible problems. It's the holidays. He looked like he was having a rough day. I didn't want to be a Grinch about it. However, I was allergic to some of the ingredients. Damned gastric system of mine. Always making it hard on those who make my meals.

I let him know, kindly, that this wasn't my order, to which he exploded, “Yes it was!” I was stunned! My first thought was, "Heux no he didn't!" As he angrily grabbed my plate and 30mins later came with the right dish, I took the time to calm down a bit. When it arrived, I didn’t have the stomach to eat it. I know the food service industry's cardinal rule.

Don't fuck with the people who handle your food.

A tip is an expression of gratitude for great service and hospitality. He failed on both fronts. We paid and left without complaint (it's the holidays after all), but definitely no tip. I don't plan on ever going there again anytime soon. For my client and I, this was our first luncheon together. I may have lost business over one waiter's sour temper.

I'm curious to know what you guys would have done in that situation. Leave your thoughts in the comments below. I do read my comments and reply.

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