The Million-to-Billion Club

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One of the most exciting things about digital currencies is that a million dollars can quickly become a billion. Bitcoin did it first. A million’s worth of Bitcoin in 2011 soared to a billion in just three years. Ethereum is on track do it in two. There may be more. BitShares enthusiasts expect to break all of those records. Here’s why.

In just five months, BitShares boomed 100x from 1/3 cent in January to 1/3 dollar in June. The decentralized exchange and smartcoin™ factory on a blockchain only needs to add one more zero to claim the record - with 18 months left to go. To make things more interesting, BitShares aims to spot its competitors those first two zeros and then add three more – just because they can.

That will be 100,000x total growth in two years.

BitShares has always had the best technology.
Now it has the strongest backing and the best marketing.

To actualize this moon shot, BitShares and the Hero Foundation have conceptualized The Billion Hero Campaign. As of June 10, 2017 the Hero Foundation has set aside $1M worth of BitShares (3M BTS) at that 33.3 cents/unit cost to be given away when it has grown to one billion in value. This will be a 1000x climb to $333/unit. This targeted growth will make BitShares the number one digital currency in the world with a market cap approaching One Trillion Dollars.


This is not really that surprising, since BitShares is already the industry leader in every other relevant category.

Where BitShares is already #1

You can’t grow if you’re too slow. In the end, it will not be about current market caps, but how well each competing network is suited to meeting global demand.

Transactions per Day. BitShares routinely sets new records for most transactions processed in one day – long since eclipsing the combined single-day records held by Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Raw Throughput. Bitcoin and Ethereum are already saturated, forced to ration their processing to the highest bidder. Bitcoin maxes out with only 7 transactions per second (TPS) for the whole world to share! Ethereum chokes at 27 TPS. BitShares routinely breezes through thousands of transactions per second. As demand grows, the current version can be simply dialed up to 100,000 TPS on commercially available hardware.

Transaction Speed. Bitcoin and Ethereum can take hours or even days to complete a transaction. BitShares completes all transactions in under three seconds.

Profitability. The two erstwhile “leaders” are unprofitable, together burning hundreds of millions of dollars more than they earn. BitShares is already profitable, having reduced its operating expenses to a tiny fraction of a percent of the others.

Combining these metrics, BitShares is eight orders of magnitude more cost effective than Bitcoin. Eight orders of magnitude is the performance difference between a horse and a starship. It’s this kind of difference and accelerant that serious investors look for.

Incredibly, Bitcoin viewed as an unmanned company, does just one simple business function: transferring ownership of its tokens from one account to another. BitShares, on the other hand, is a complete digital currency exchange and smartcoin™ factory offering hundreds of smart contract financial products and services on a single real-time industrial grade network. BitShares can scale to serve the digital financial service needs of the entire planet. The others simply can’t.

The Hero. BitShares with the Hero Foundation is offering the Hero on its real-time, industrial grade network. This is a stable digital smartcoin™ backed by the counterparty-free equity of the BitShares network itself and mathematically pegged to grow against the US dollar by 5% APR. The Hero is the digital currency that the masses will actually want! Where else can the average person get the functional equivalent of a completely liquid certificate of deposit that grows by 5% APR and can be “wired” to anyone in the world in under three seconds? Details are found at

The BitShares network has been in fault-free operation for several years!
Why haven’t you heard about this before?
Why isn’t every industry journalist buzzing about this?

BitShares has historically been infamous for its lack of marketing, instead becoming an industry darling for the robustness of its technology. With the partnership with the Hero Foundation for the Billion Hero Campaign, BitShares is now ready to step into the light.

BitShares New Marketing Dream Team

Unlike the other leaders in the “Crypto Industry”, BitShares will be taking its products and services directly to mainstream users and not just industry insiders. Gone are the days of courting coin speculators and narrow vertical markets on specialty forums trolled by geeks and misfits. BitShares wants the attention of every major demographic from millennials to boomers, from capitalists to philanthropists, and from sovereign first nations to the entertainment industry. will take BitShares mainstream this year.

Digital Launch is known for its “To Market Strategy” and for building some of the best-known celebrity brands on the planet. On the 4th of July (Global Independence Day) Digital Launch took control of the global branding for BitShares. Thanks to Heroic investors and BitShares technology, Digital Launch has a virtually unlimited performance-powered budget and a billion-dollar prize to draw attention to the message of the campaign; which is to empower, fund and help maintain the independence of altruistic groups and organizations. Twelve teams lead by Hero Ambassadors will participate in the Billion Hero Campaign. The top team receiving $300,000,000 in funding and the final team receiving $10,000,000 in funding. This massive philanthropic campaign is already attracting top-tier talent from every continent around the globe.

The Billion Hero Campaign

A recent post on the BitShares spinoff Steemit, a blockchain powered social media network, Steemit underscores the passionate philosophical goals of the Billion Hero Campaign. Goals that the BitShares community hopes will drive global adoption.

Shall We Play a Game?
In this game you will master a new global financial system. One that solves most of the problems you’ve had with the old one. One that could greatly improve your own prosperity while directing One Billion Dollars, to the twelve best humanitarian causes on the planet. Yes, BitShares is giving away a billion dollars just to show everyone how to escape the current system. The economic matrix that’s been pulled over your eyes interfering with your economic health and well-being since before you were born. It won’t cost you anything to play, but what you learn by playing could make a huge difference in your own life and in the lives of others you will help. Keep your own money growing rapidly in your own wallet safe from all foul play. Help fund your favorite cause and give the world its first Honest Money. Money that is "Of the People, by the People, and for the People.”

The Billion Hero Campaign is open to anybody and no purchase is necessary. Teams score by helping their members learn how to use the powerful features of the BitShares network for the maximum benefit of their own members.

While the Billion Hero Prize is growing by 1000x,
every single participant’s own savings account is doing the same thing.

Imagine the reality TV series Survivor meeting The Amazing Race with luminaries from every demographic/tribe imaginable are encouraged to enlist their legions of supporters to help claim the prize for their cause. The Hero Foundation is already seeing some of the most globally respected benevolent individuals stepping up to compete against some of the world’s most controversial figures. Causes range from the generous to the capitalistic to the most frivolous you can imagine. There may be thousands of teams competing, but only the top twelve tribes can win a piece of the Billion Hero Prize. Who will be able to appeal to the right mix of humanity’s most base and noble motives to bring together a winning coalition?

Top Tier Leadership Pursuing a Billion Dollars for their Causes

A group of diverse individuals has already expressed interest in leading teams to win one of the twelve prizes for their most cherished causes. Some are globally acclaimed. Others may be controversial. Some are relatively unknown in the mass media world but highly recognized in the field of consciousness. Since anybody can form a team, this list is expected to grow and grow and grow. Who will prevail to deliver this momentous victory for their cause and team? To enter your own team or to follow the action go to,

BitShares is positioned to make a run at the Million-to-Billion club.
It has the best technology, the most appealing products,
and has the most powerful marketing strategy the industry has ever seen.
And it has a cause: Restoration of humanity's financial freedom.


Stan Larimer, President
The Godfather of BitShares and the HERO

About the Author -- Stan Larimer

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The Original HERO Definition Post - “The Hero from BitShares Island"

The Billion Hero Challenge Announcement

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