
With the birth of Hermes, it becomes possible to move along the cosmic axis. If until this moment inspiration came from the muses, now a person acquires the ability to freely travel through the three worlds and thus connect the world of people with the worlds of ancestors and gods.
Collection of articles "Symbol Language"



The inventions of the mythological Gods are considered to be known by the planet Mercury (I will collect everything in the aggregate, and I will not attribute authorship separately to the Egyptian Thoth, or Hermes Thrice Great, because often people who can be counted by names signed their works, through, as through conductors, the Gods transmitted their knowledge.) , he invented, brought to life and gave to people -

  • Fire
  • Game dice
  • Knowledge of the "Laws of the Universe"
  • Alchemy
  • Arithmetic, he is the creator of numbers
  • Alphabet
  • Notes
  • Lyre (it was created from found Turtle shell), sometimes there are other instruments. But Lyra requires symbolism, which is why she is found in myths, since this image provides additional information.
  • The measurement of time, I think it's about the calendar and the clock.
    (Definitely, I did not remember everything, but I hope the most important is indicated)

Collection of articles "Symbol Language"

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