Thieves Oil recipe - Herbal Prep

Thieves Oil by g - antimicrobial, anti-viral

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This is a recipe that dates back to the 1400's, but it is just as valuable today.

Please keep in mind that essential oils are for External use only, and when using this blend full strength it should not be applied directly to the skin. It would be used, a couple drops on a face mask, over the ears and temples on a hat or scarf, and a few drops added to hand soap or on gloves.

To mix about 1 dram

0.75 g clove essential oil
0.64 g lemon essential oil
0.55 g cinnamon bark essential oil
0.23 g eucalyptus essential oil
0.14 g rosemary essential oil

x 15 = 1 oz

11.25 g clove essential oil
9.60 g lemon essential oil
8.25 g cinnamon bark essential oil
3.45 g eucalyptus essential oil
2.10 g rosemary essential oil

For people allergic to pine, I switch the rosemary to thyme

I also switch the rosemary for tee tree, lavender, or a mix of the two.

This oil costs around 5.00 per 1 oz bottle to make, vs the 30.00 or so to buy it pre-made.

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This is an original post, with copies of the recipe cross posted on other platforms

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