Hepatitis B - How to Reverse this Disease

Hepatitis B ( is the reversal of this disease a cure or just a control? )

Having experienced this disease 2nd hand, meaning that I had to deal with a family member who was diagnosed with this disease was shocking.

The following story is just my own knowledge and opinion so take it for whatever you want.

A few years ago a good friend of mine died, not due to her Cancer but due to the Cancer treatments of Chemotherapy and Radiation. Since my friend was not at the dire stages of Cancer, she was recommended both Chemotherapy and Radiation. No surgery was recommded. After her treatments she called and said that she was feeling a little better and was cleaning her house. A month later, she passed.

Very shocked by her passing as I thought that her treatments were helping her recover. I started research on the internet after my denial period. I could not understand why she passed if the treatment was raved to help and even stop Cancer.

To my surprise after months of online research I discovered that doctors know nothing about nutrition and how it effects the body.

Now I know that not only do drugs like vaccines, antibiotics, birth control pills and the deadly mercury found within our silver colored amalgam dental fillings create Cancer in the body but also what we put in it and our daily routine plus the heavy stress of managing life has effects our health, more than doctors are allowed to tell you.

Right now, I won't go into all those other causes but knowing my friends was a heavy smoker and barely ate, I knew her habits created Cancer in her body, added I knew she stressed about everything from leaving the house to going to big events like weddings.

So all that she did and the drugs that she accepted from her doctors created the beginning of Cancer. Let me remind you, the doctors recommendations are just that, recommdations, you have a choice whether or not you accept those options or find alternative safer and healthier routes in treating your illnesses.

From all my studying, again I am not a doctor or a professional medical advisor, I found out that Cancer treaments like Chemotherapy and Radiation actually increases your chances of getting 'secondary' more 'aggressive' Cancers later on. Seeing the the Cancer treatments that hospitals and doctors provide ends up with most patiends dying from the treatment rather than their Cancer within a short period of time has me curious in what many people say that 'A Dead Patient is more valuable to a Hospital than a Live one'.

Basically accepting Chemotherapy or Radiation in the treatment of your Cancer can and will 'speed up' the growth and spread of your Cancer.

When my 2nd friend develop what doctors called Hepatitis B, his doctor recommended that 'wait and see' attitude. As my friends Hepatitis number count grew, his doctor continue advising to 'watch the numbers'. It was truly mind boggling that doctors are educated to wait until the number get so out of hand and then finally recommend a specialist to be seen, just so the specialize reconfirms the diagnosis and prescribes a life long regime of Hepatitis B drug treatments that also destroy the body.

All along, my friend's doctor and specialist never ever recommended other options like the daily change in routine or diet changes ... nothing, all they were interested in were pushing toxic treatments to coverup a self created disease.

This Hepatitis Specialist also said that there was not turning back, after the drug was started. I convinced my friend to go home and think hard about the consequences of beginning such a toxic drug. I explained to him that he created this Cancer by himself, from all the vaccines, drugs and bad habits he's done all his life. And that if he was not at the end stage of this so called Hepatitis B which doctors use as a cover name for Liver Caner in order to prolong growth of this disease until nothing could be done until the recommend their expensive prescription drugs as a last alternative ...

After much studying, he agreed to taking several supplements and drinking freshly juiced vegetables.

This special juice that he made every couple of days consisted of:

4-5 Beet Roots
7-8 Carrots
3-4 Apples
10 Radishes
1 Potato
5-7 Celery stalks

All of the above is juiced 'raw'.

He also took 1 capsule of BHT ( Butylated Hydroxytoluene ) with food per day which he purchased from www.nutri.com

The juice he would drink 1 to 2 cups a day, but if it's too difficult for you to swallow all that live enzyme filled juice, mix it with some apple juice.

Since beginning this natural treatment, my friends so called Hepatitis number have gone way down and his specialist says that he does not have to come as often and his Hepatitis B related fattty liver has disappeared. Hey, why do you know, right?

My friends says that he is seeing a 'reversal' of his Hepatitis B and is amazed at what eating cleanly does.

For a disease where doctors tell you that there is not hope, believe me there is ...

Let us not forget that the radiation coming from our cell phones and wifi devices have strong links to brain tumors in kids and adults; breast cancer turmors on the one breast where women store their cell phones in their bra ...

P.S. Your doctors were taught the skills of 'selling prescription drugs, not in curing diseases'!

If you are looking to help yourself when you've been kicked to the curb by your medical system, check out the life saving links below:

The Truth about Cancer

The Truth about Cancer

The Truth abouth PET Cancer

The Truth about Vaccines

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