Help me Help Make a Dream Come True

The aim of this post is to raise money to get a second hand camera for a young steemian from Bangladesh @heart0048 who is aiming to get noticed as a photographer here on steemit and elsewhere.


I came across his talent some weeks back as he posted beautiful photos from his adventures with friends. I noticed he has a real eye for composition. I was intrigued that he was taking such good photos merely with a phone because that is all he has.

He actually won third place in a photo competition recently

with an outstanding photo he took With his phone of a boat in the rays of the setting sun.


Since I suggested to him that he might have a natural talent for
photography he has been focusing on trying to raise enough money for a second hand Canon 700D. To manage this he is prepared to sell his bicycle and his mobile phone, both items he can obviously not easily do without.
He is in his final exams at University taking a degree in botany so has a natural calling to and bond with nature that shows in his photography.
Also he is suffering the curse of all students to be scraping through study years with debt and depravation. He is the eldest son who after finishing exams must return to his village to become the breadwinner of the family.
It had not occurred to him that there was money to be made from taking photos until he started steeming his pictures and I pointed out his natural talent as I see it.
Owning his first camera I believe will be a life changing experience for this young man who has an enthusiasm and hunger for success that drives him and could never have believed that realizing any such dream was even remotely possible for him.
I have been encouraging him though and trying to instill in him the thought that everything is possible in life if you just focus hard enough on it. Let’s show him what a little unconditional steemit love and good spirit can achieve.


He just needs around sixty dollars he calculated after selling his belongings but better than that I know this community is completely capable of finding the 300 dollars to purchase the second hand camera he has his eye on and I ask you to make any size donation to @hendrix22lovesyou to help this young boy from Bangladesh realize his dream.

All upvoted revenue from this post will go directly to the camera fund via @hendrix22lovesyou

Thank you for reading and helping make dreams come true, one moment at a time. Please help by upvoting and or resteeming this post.


Do not seek love. Be Love.

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

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