The Exploding Hemp Industry Could Literally Save The Bees Of The World

Which in turn could save mankind from starving to death. lol.

It turns out that the male hemp plant produces LOTS of pollen and bees love it! Apparently all kinds of bees.

An article in Environmental Entomology(one of my favorite magazines)found that 16 different species of bees visited a large male plant.


Not only do they love the pollen but since it's a late-season crop when flowers are hard to find...that makes it even more attractive to them.

The researchers are very excited about this because hemp production is in a boom phase at a time when bee populations are decreasing at an alarming rate all over the world.

They definitely think that hemp will help save the bees by providing plenty of healthy pollen late in the year.


A few of the crops which rely on bees are Almonds. Apples. Asparagus. Beans. Beets, Okra, Potatoes, Onions, Kiwifruit, Blueberries, Watermelon..the list goes on but one third of our food is pollinated by bees.

Hemp is such an amazing plant with so many uses from health to manufacturing but this may be the most important one! It's quite an important discovery.

In fact it's so dang important the government should subsidize the crops. At least for the first few years. The rest of the world needs to start planting hemp too, for the bees.


I just learned another beneficial aspect of the hemp plant: it detoxifies the soil. Yeah, it cleans up soil that's been contaminated by chemicals like herbicides.

So it cleans up the soil, helps save the bees, then the plant can be used to make sustainable products like textiles and many other things plus the medicinal oil. Hot dang, it's a miracle plant!


Thanks for stopping by folks, God bless you all!

PS- Hey did you guys see this? An artist couple in California created this in honor of Kobe Bryant. 115 ft tall and 92 ft wide.


They say they use a special mower that bends the grass a certain way and they can produce shadows and different shades using it.

The machine is called a "TurfPrinter" and it "blows air to bend the grass in a designed direction that, when light hits it, unveils an image, which can only be seen from above." source

Hard to believe but it only took an hour to make! I think it's incredible.





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