Life Is About Helping. II, Contributed by @Olawalium


In this life, we are to be a channel. We shouldn’t be a container that stores without letting out. We should absorb as much as we can, then channel it to the lives that need it.

We don’t have to wait for people to come, once we have identified a need that should be addressed, we should do it.

What comes from the heart touches the heart. If it means something to them, it should mean something to you.

Life is about helping and we shouldn’t shy away from it.


Often times, I try to reach out to people I don’t even know. Some random act of kindness. I kinda prefer this too hahaha because there won’t be any opportunity for me to see the person again, like a higher percentage. Why? Because I don’t fancy people telling me ”Thank You”.

I feel life should be about helping, so if I help you, in as much as I have helped you, I have helped myself in fulfilling my purpose, so why should I be thanked for doing what I think I should do?

Okay, if you feel you should, probably because you thought I didn’t have to do it but I did it anyway, then once is enough. One thank you and let’s move on.

Here in Nigeria, it is sometimes a funny one hahaha. I have seen it several times where another person helped another, and after thanking the person, maybe a day after, they still say “thank you for yesterday” and they do this as each day goes by.

​It makes me laugh but I totally understand the courtesy. Nigerians are full of courtesy and I​ love them.

To be continued...

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

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