One last chance to see her daughter

My cousin Reylene Hernandez Maniaul, we are originally coming from Philippines. July 23, 2017, she chooses to work in Jordan. Far away from her family to give her 3 children a better life. 2 sons 10 and 8 years old and 1 daughter 5 years old but when her day 3 in Jordan, her dreams came to almost nothing when Reylene got A very terrible news from her mother the Grandmother of the 3 children

It comes to her daughter Ara, she got a Brain hemorrhage that cost when her head got bump in to the motor cycle two and half weeks ago. At that day, the Doctor said that there’s nothing wrong to her daughter, but after few days she has fiber sometimes and early in the morning July 24, 2017 day 1 after Reylene left the Philippines, Ara has Fiber Again, headache and throw out all what she eats. From there, their rust her to the hospital. 20464506_1427640997305743_371263870_n.jpg

In the Hospital, there give her a first aid and examination, but in the late evening Ara was so weak, started trilling, got high blood and has a low hart bit.The doctor try to pomp her hart but after that their said that she is in Coma because she also got brain bleeding and infection, only the half of her body who still functioning. It’s really a heartbreaking for me specially to my cousin Reylene.

Ara is now in the (ICU). Reylene wants to go home immediately to be with her daughter for one more chance, but because of financial problem she cannot fly back home. To help out and to see more info click the link Thank you very much for every help you can do

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