The Value You Add To Life

At the long run it happens that your life is not estimated based on the number of houses you have built, the number of cars you have, the amount you have in your back account or even the gold and silver you have acquired, what your life is basically dependent on is how you have been able to help others ;how much life you have impacted, the lives you have helped build up, the people you have given reasons to laugh again.

Let us look at it from this point:you have everything you want, you are happy and blessed and your life is fulfilled but you have never for once tried to stretch out a hand of help to somebody else, of what benefit then is the money to you.

Sometimes we give excuses of the fact that we're not financially buoyant and that is the reason why we have not helped anybody but it is not only about the money, what about assistance by actions and words words of encouragement

All the wealth you are accumulating, without assisting anyone is then of no benefit at all because sometimes we are given something in other for us to help some body else and when that purpose is not achieved, what we have been given is then as good as being useless.

At the end of the day what really matters in life is how well you can be of a great benefit to others.
The day you start giving is the day you start living, so try your best to make a positive impact in people's lives and live for a better tomorrow.
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