Powering down to pay for my eyes surgery - update. Double trouble, it's even worse then I thought!:(

Hi guys!

Today I'm able to write the post only in the evening, and I'm not able to draw at all. So, today I had my survey to prepare for eyes surgery and damn.... It was awful.

First of all - I spent in the hospital 4 hours today. 4 hours of instant delving in my eyes, different tests and researches. In the end I was pretty sure I'll go mad. But I survived, and now I want to share my experience how it was.

I went through all procedures needed to find out in what state my eyes are. They started with measurement of eyes inner pressure (really unpleasant procedure, during it they put short fast air flows to your eyes, so you shudder all the time it happens), and the special equipment measures your inner eye pressure. Tricky that it grows really fast if you feel nervous, and I really was.

So they had to put pain reliever drops to my eyes, and do the procedure again.

Then followed the standard procedure of measuring visual acuity. Also with help of the other machine you got your visual acuity tested, and then follows the test on astigmatism. 

Then I got my dilatation of the pupils of the eye - with help of special drops. I had such procedure as a kid, but already remembered not how creepy one feels after it. I felt sick with glasses or without them, and had only one focal point I could normally see. And my eye pupils really looked like this:


My husband even got a bit scared of me. I looked both: like a demon from Supernatural  and like this cat. 

Then all the other testes began, thee that should be done with a wide eye pupil. I can't list them all, cause to that moment I already felt really bad and dreamed only  about end of all this. The most unpleasant procedure was when doctor looked at my ocular fundus. It's made with the help of special lens that is fixed on your eye, and that super light light... Also the thickness of my eye cornea was measured, and it's done with the sensor that touches your eye directly.

Then, after all these tests I had a meeting with the doctor. Here are my colorful results, by the way:

And that's what the doctor said...

Guys, I'm really in tears at the moment, cause instead of one operation I'll have to have two of them! And the first one is not even my choice. It appeared that my retina has a dystrophy around the perimeter, and I have to fix that first if I don't want to loose it and have even more troubles. So what do I have in the final result... I have to do two operations. And it's twice more expensive, then I thought. Instead of 800$ I'll have to go to 1500$ or even more. 

The first one I will probably have on Wednesday, the one to fix my retina. What I will do next? No idea... Continue creating art and hope that I'll manage with that amount of money. Do I have drawing inspiration after all these news? Of course not... May be I just need to take this evening to calm down, and then start fighting again.

 Again, I don't ask for anything in this post, but will be really thankful if you'll support my dream with a vote and may be a resteem, to make it a little closer.  

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