Helping an old man in Germany

Last year around September, I had been in Germany for a couple of months to attend certain meetings for the company I work for. This time was also the time I was diagnosed with early fatty liver and doctors had asked me to maintain a strict diet and do plenty of exercises every day.


Good thing in Germany is that you can cycle without people judging you. After work I would cycle or how Germans would say 'biking' for around an hour in a park that was near the hotel I had stayed.

One day while returning from the park to my hotel, I was a few meters from the hotel when a kid in a cycle just crossed the road without even looking if someone was coming from the other side. An old man was in his motorized wheel chair slowly moving along the sidewalk when 'bam' they both hit and then the old man and kid fell pretty badly.

Watching this in horror, I quickly got down from my cycle and ran to them. The kid was really afraid, either due to moving towards them or due to a fear that the old man might scold him. Anyway he fled from the scene shouting a sorry in German (something like Entschuldigung?) .

I then helped the old man get up from the side walk, I also asked him in the best way I could by saying "All ist ok?". Seriously f he had replied to it in German I would have no luck understanding him, but I asked anyway. He replied with a "Kein problem". He looked like he was ok and he also dialled in some number and talked to someone. I helped him back to his wheel chair and to get back his keys and an ID card that got thrown of in the hit. The man thanked me with a "Danke schon" and we parted ways.

All those days in Germany had me worried about my health when I first came in, but after that incident and helping out a total stranger I had a great sense of peace within me.

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