A mechanics story.

Hello Everybody!
I'm back with a story IMG_20170621_141004334.jpgof the work I do.

A Mechanics Nightmare.
It never fails15009361708761408574116.jpg
Many times while working on vehicles or equipment I have come into situations where tool makers just don't make the tool quite like you need. In this case I had a tight spot that a regular line wrench wouldn't work. So I improvised... An thus the results A "modified boxed end/now line wrench." Let me fill you in on a little story...

The truck!
IMG_20170621_141013291.jpg Well some of you may me saying no wonder... It's a ram! Well yes, different vehicles have different issues, and this one certainly had a issue to put it lightly!

The call.
I do alot of mobile repair work for people mostly because of two things (1) I like learning new things from people who had hands on, like @papa-pepper who is also a great friend. An (2) I can do the work that a shop can do for a fraction of the price... (Most of the time). So this one is a fellow neighbor who has a diesel truck that a helping relative decided to fill with diesel from a random barrel on the farm that really wasn't diesel... It was actually quite a bit of water. Needless to say the truck quit running an a local shop wasn't fixing the problem. I was then called on to see what I could do about the problem...

The Problem.
After a few pokes and tests I finally figured out what ALL happened... After being filled with water (which you DO NOT EVER want try) they attempted to drive the truck until it died. Then realized what happened and took it to the local shop who really didn't know what to do but tried anyway... He use starting fluid to attempt to purge all water through the injection system (that will literally fail if to much water is run through it) an attempted to start it which failed. Then gave up for 6 months while thinking of another idea... So the owner had enough. He pulled the truck home and called me. After I completed my diagnosis I gave him the bad news. His injector pump was bad plus he still had water in the tank that seriously needed drained. After much reluctance he gave the "OK" and purchased the parts and I started the work.

A Job Complete!IMG_20170621_140956257.jpg
After several hours of sweat and wrench turning I was finally able to hear that wonderful sound of a engine roaring to life! Not to mention the owner so happy he was about to start dancing... Not only did I get it running ,but I also saved him a thousand dollars literally... Even though a thousand dollar bonus would have been nice... I was happy to be a much needed assistant and he was able to get some extra goodies for his kids. That's what I call real life!

Family Time.
Well a job complete means a little family time due!
I recently purchased a paddle boat that needed a little mechanical reengineering an after a little nipping and tucking I had it almost as good as new! So we headed to the lake!

I Love My Family!

Well until next time this is the @mobile-joat signing off! Thanks for reading and hope you'll have a wonderful day!

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