Hello Darlings, A little birdy told me I needed to be here!

Webp.net-resizeimage.jpg First post! Pleased to meet ya'll!
My mother always told me that, how I dress, is the image I project to the world. It may not have been the way she hoped, but I took that to heart. Each day is an event, each moment is unique. Live life as your true self! Life's too short for anything else. I've always striven to improve people's quality of life in everything I do. Whether it's making you a cup of coffee or selling you a corset, I want your experience with me to be memorable. I want you to walk away feeling refreshed and excited about life and all of life's quirks! Troubles come and storms will form, how we treat ourselves and each other is ultimately all we can control.

I'm joining Steem because I really feel that conversation is key in changing our world. We must come together on a worldwide platform and discuss change openly in order for it to happen. We must "Be the change that you wish to see in the world" (Mahatma Ghandi)

Who is Rebekah Jenks!?
...Glad you asked...
I'm a 31 year old, ungainfully, yet happily employed female living in Colorado.
I have a wonderful husband who supports me in everything I do.
I'm from Texas, so expect a lot of ya'lls, ladybugs, and bless your hearts.
I just barely launched a website selling interesting wares and fares for festival goers, steampunk, vintage, and more.
https://WantAndWish.com (shameless plug)
In 'real life' I sell corsets in a quaint eclectic shop in the mountains. We specialize in 1800s to 1950s style clothing and hats. We also have a bridal gown and wedding emporium level. In bridal our specialties include steampunk, vintage, and western style weddings! So, as my mother likes to say, I "play dress up for a living".

These are a few of my favorite things:
Bright copper kettles
and warm woolen mittens...
Anything Steampunk
Art in paint form
Alien theories
Slick Shoes
Art in spoken word form
Playing dressup!
Doing a puzzle while my husband reads his books
Art in any form really...

Here's a small snipit of who I truly am, why I am here, and what cause I am fighting for.
My husband and I grow cannabis in the great state of Colorado for medical purposes. He was told he has every disease from Parkinson's to M.S. to dementia or maybe he's just an alcoholic, could be genetics... who cares right? We had good insurance so instead of truly trying to find what was wrong with him, they just kept adding pills. In two years he went from running multi-million dollar projects, to needing me to drive him places and working minimum wage part time. They told me I should start looking at wheelchair options for him. Well, we decided that was not good enough. We gave away everything we couldn't fit in a 5th wheel RV and moved to a Cannabis legal state. For a year and a half my husband has weened himself off of 12 pharmaceutical medications. He is now only using cannabis to fight his symptoms, and he's winning. They told us he'd be unable to walk by now, however he's still very mobile, even driving again. They told us if he stopped taking his medication he would die. He is very much alive. They told us that medication through them was the only way he could "make it". Well he's making it. Just last week he was offered a partnership with a solid small company. He's not 100% who he was before big pharma got to him, but there's now hope for him. For us, his hope is for everyone. The FDA is constantly trying to make criminals out of people rejecting pharmaceuticals on their own path to wellness. There is a war, it is not a war on drugs, it is a war on wellness. If we are not sick then they will not make billions off of us annually. This is my passion, my reason, and my future.

I look forward to being a part of this exciting and new online community!
Thanks fer noticin'
-Rebekah Jenks

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