Hello. Again.

I can't remember exactly when I last posted here. When I joined Steemit I had plenty of ideas to go around with it, writing random stuffs with hopes of reaching out to the much greater community. Meeting new people. Sharing ideas around. Sounds great.

Then work caught up and kept me busy. For more or less throughout 2018.

You see, when I joined Steemit, I was working in a contact center for HPE. That job is literally taking calls and ending them as fast as you can without crossing the end users off. You don't have to take your job back home; just a regular 9 to 6 job that doesn't require much technical knowledge and genuinely endless repeats of the same process.

I realized I can't be doing this forever, so when a Level 3 Technical Support position opened, I jumped for it without much hesitation. I was in Level 1. I got the new job and never looked back. This was a good move because this one is a much better job with actual future in it. I've thoroughly enjoyed it, let's be honest.

But it also took my time away from Steemit.

Right now I'm on my year end leave and here I am, writing a post that frankly contains pretty much nothing. My aforementioned ideas? Gone out the window.

Here's to more posts throughout 2019. Cheers.

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