Cult of Helios

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There is no "universe" and we did not come from a tiny hot dot. We live in an enclosed bio-dome on a flat Earth surrounded by 100-300 foot ice walls extending 800 to 1000 miles outward. The first layer of the Firmament is likely 350 miles or so high. No man has gotten past the Firmament without the help of Yahweh.

The sun, moon, stars, and wandering stars (planets) are all located within this realm at around 3000-7000 miles high which likely extends to 7200 miles high or so followed by another Firmament. The SECOND HEAVEN is between the barriers of the Firmament. This is also where Satan dwells until he is cast down to Earth. My Father in Heaven, Yahweh, resides above the Firmament. Outside of Heaven is the Great Deep. It is only darkness and water. Below the foundations of Earth is sheol or hell. Hell was created for the devil and his fallen angels. The Earth sits atop four pillars and also has four corners.

Space is made in a Hollywood basement. The KJV Bible is also a victim of the CERN induced Mandela Effect. Verse one used to say HEAVENS... NOT "heaven". ALL my other versions STILL say heavens. There are THREE HEAVENS according to the Word. According to the Book of Enoch I, stars are the Host of Heaven and ARE messengers (angels). There are GATES in the Firmament. Yahweh does have hailstones and brimstone in reserve for the Day of His Wrath. Nibiru can be made by Project Bluebeam and other exotic technologies you know nothing about. Only the heathen have fear from the signs in the Heavens... many of them are man-made. No “asteroid” will hit the Earth. Wormwood will hit Earth, which is a part of my Father’s Wrath to come. Wormwood will come through a gate in the Firmament. Fear His Name! May the Name of Yahweh arise and His enemies be scattered!

I hope you wake up in time to stop having faith in their Great Deception! It is the Helios Cult you are in... without knowledge i hope. The real conspiracy (requires evil) was 500 years ago. All the Great Deception is based upon the foundation of Heliocentrism. Helios is their "god". He has many names, including Nimrod, Apollo, Osiris, and Gilgamesh. Atomic “science” is merely heliocentrism scaled down. “Space” science is a fiction made to trap your mind and ultimately damn your soul. Without heliocentrism, “evolution”, “atomic science”, and “space aliens” are impossible. There ARE real “aliens” but they are fallen angels/demons and they are from HERE... not “light years” away! Scientism is a government sponsored evil faith. I prefer and love real science.

The devil did NOT precede my Father in Heaven! Lucifer (the Bearer of Light) was a created messenger (angel) and when he fell, he was renamed HaSatan (the adversary). He is the prince of the power of the air and the DEFEATED ruler of this world. He no longer holds the keys to death or the grave. His time grows short and soon he will be kicked out of the SECOND Heaven and will reside on Earth. That will be a bad day for mankind. CERN will then open the Abyss and release the ancient evil fallen one, Apollo, to possess the Man of Sin. That will be a WORSE day for mankind.

This Cult also worships Ishtar (Venus). Their symbol is the eight pointed star or OCTAGON. It is the highest order of Earthly power, this cult. They love the (FAKE Jew) Kabbalah, the Zohar, and the Talmud. They love the Bhagavad Gita, etc. They are all high-order practitioners of sorcery, divination, and witchcraft. Another sub-cult worships Saturn and their symbol is the HEXAGON. They are all PEDOPHILES and drink baby blood. They own all the high ground on Earth and control all the gates.

They own 90% of all the media you consume. They own almost every politician. They control all foreign policy in the USA and most domestic policy. They own the Council on Foreign Relations. They own most weapons and encryption companies. They own Washington, D.C. They own the US military. They are the primary domestic enemies of the American people. They are the Synagogue of Satan as mentioned in the Bible.

They are Satanists/Luciferians/Octagon Order/Saturn Worshipers/FAKE Jews/Freemasons/Rosicrucians/Helios Cult members. They are the ELITE.

CERN sits atop a primary ancient Apollo Cult center near Geneva (Genesis), Switzerland. The US military recovered the DNA of Gilgamesh/Nimrod/Osiris/Apollo from Iraq (ancient Sumer/Babylon) during the never ending war. CERN will be used to open the Abyss, and release Apollo. You can find this in the Bible also if you care. Their “Great Work” is to resurrect their “god” Apollo and they are very close to accomplishing this with their new Tower of Babel: CERN. They have all the technology they need. Now they need the Dark Awakening (Satanic Pentecost) to occur which is why more and more anti-matter (dark matter) is being pulled into our plane. It will not be a good day on Earth.

....To be continued. Maybe.


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