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Helicopters are the Building Blocks of Society

When you think of helicopters what comes to mind? I think about the freedom that flying enables us. With helicopters we are not limited by many barriers other than extreme altitude or storms. With helicopters we can accomplish tasks in emergency situations that would not otherwise be possible. We can also use them to build great structures. The above picture is the German built Volocopter which sells for over 300,000 dollars and has a battery life of 45 minutes.

Some of my earliest memories were that of my brother Mike flying his RC helicopter in front of the house and picking up a box with a hook attached to the gas RC chopper. Ever since those early RC moments I was destined to fly. I have had over 50 dreams of various forms of flight from jet pack style to piloting jets to speeding through space and a hot air balloon in an enchanted forest. My experiences from my dreams only make me want to fly more. Above you can see some of my RC helicopter collection. I have since acquired a few more. =)

The supercopter costs 20 million dollars and has 3 6,000 horsepower engines to keep it flying at full speed nomatter the circumstances. It can go from 150mph to stop on a dime in only seconds. This is the ultimate machine for the macho man who craves MORE POWER.

Although helicopters are beautiful and miraculous machines they are also used for nefarious purposes such as spying on private medicinal grow rooms inside the personal space of peoples houses. Illegal search.

If that wasn't enough the federal government also uses helicopters to commit theft of billions of tons of cannabis every year. Keeping the price high so that the corrupt government officials and drug lords can line their pockets with blood money.

But they do more good than harm I suppose. My brother's life was saved by the local emergency helicopter after being hit by a truck on his bicycle. Praise God for helicopters. More great articles of helicopters and other flying news coming soon. Please follow me.

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