Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome, Continuing Digestive Issues and H.Pylori Bacteria (Light at the end of the Tunnel!!)

(UPDATE CHS does actually exist! I have information from a small number of people who continue to have issues with THC, regardless of how clean their cannabis is. Using low thc cannabis in tiny amounts seems to be ok, and high CBD content does not cause the issue. Using too often, or using too high of a concentration and CHS rears its ugly head. The GOOD news? (for most of us anyway) I estimate about 90% or more of CHS sufferers are solely due to neem/aza contamination 1/18/2019)

Let Me Start This by Saying I'm 100% Cured of My Digestive Issues

If you've been having issues with digestion, since beginning to use cannabis or after changing to a new source of cannabis, you may be suffering from two issues. Azadirachtin Poisoning, and an H.Pylori bacterial infection in your digestive system.

I've Suffered From Digestive Issues Since 2007

which is the year I moved to California and switched to using cannabis from their streets and dispensaries. Even though I eventually figured out what was poisoning me, I continually had digestive issues between the poisoning episodes. As the decade wore on, these issues became worse and worse. I ended up using Miralax for 8 months, just to keep my digestive system moving properly'ish and this was the last straw.

My Wife

has spent a great deal of time, over these years, researching for a solution to my issues. She finally suggested the possibility of my having an H.Pylori bacterial problem. The local physician was happy to administer the test and the results came back positive.

The Treatment for H.Pylori

consists of using two types of antibiotics at once, plus prilosec or a similar product. With that level of antibiotics going through my system, you can believe I ate a lot of yogurt. Clean yogurt like Fayeh and others without additives. Eating about a cup of yogurt a day kept me in good shape and I hadn't a single complaint.

I've Spent Two Months Now Without Issues

Eating things I haven't been able to eat without pain for nearly a decade. I've put on 10lbs and have only had a couple twinges of pain, due to being a glutton. lol It's now a new challenge to keep to my diet clean, out of wanting to stay thin and healthy, instead of because I want to avoid intense pain. lol

There IS Life After CHS!

And I'm rooting for each and every one of you still suffering to conquer it yourself and be free. Go get tested for an H.Pylori infection and report back here if it was positive or negative. Then, if you're positive and go through the treatment, please report back here on the health of your digestive system.

Eventually we'll be able to eliminate this issue. :)

Be Awesome!
(Image courtesy of

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