In The Avoidance of A Fall

Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. 1 Corinthians10:12


A fall, in the context of the scripture, is a departure from the life and light of Christ given to operate in us. It's a season of blackout from the presence of God in a man's life. Most times, it's as a result of not overcoming temptations, not dying to self or not denying the flesh. A fall can also result from lack of faith in God or lack of patience for a time of fulfillment of God's promise for a particular need. The search for shortcuts lead men into perdition. In a time like this, when evil seems normal in the society, we must take heed. The world might change, but God's word remain the same, calling us into holiness at all times.

God's desire for us is that we stand firm in the liberty in which Christ has given us. We are not expected to live a life of 'rise and fall'. It's okay to face temptations, but it's opportunity to rise above our level of spiritual strength. Let us stand strong in the power of God. Let us flee from every appearance of evil. Let us be cautious of what we see,hear or touch. Let us be vigilant concerning everyone around us. Never give room for the devil to prosper in his devices. Jesus has given us victory and dominion, but we must avoid every occasion that compromises our identity in Christ.

Let's pray together. Righteous Father, thank you for speaking to us today in love. Please deliver us from every errors in our past, strengthen us to stand and help the fallen to rise again, in Jesus name. Amen. Take heed!

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