Weekly Gossip In Hashgraph – RedSwan, Hashgraph Ecosystem Updates, Developers AMA + More

Curious about developing on Hedera Hashgraph? This week we take a look at the growing hashgraph ecosystem. Specifically, we look at a recently announced project and updates from some of the other projects building DApps on top of Hedera Hashgraph. We also cover a recent AMA that took place within the hashgraph developers’ community along with some other noteworthy content. I hope you enjoy!

As a reminder, be sure to join us on the recently launched “Gossip Groups” Discord serve:


Featured Gossip:

RedSwan Joins the Ecosystem
Red Swan a marketplace for tokenized commercial real estate assets has announced their plans to launch their platform on top of the Hedera Hashgraph public network.

Announcement: https://tinyurl.com/yblvccws
Website: https://redswan.io
Telegram: https://tinyurl.com/y95chw62

Other Updates from the Hashgraph Ecosystem
We first take a look at a recent blog post by Sagewise, a smart contract dispute resolution platform or safety, that provided details about their collaboration with Hedera Hashgraph. Additionally, we take a look at some other projects announced in the hashgraph ecosystem that have had updates over the past month.

Sagewise Blog Post: https://www.sagewise.io/details-about-hedera-hashgraph/
Winflow: https://www.winflow.bet/
Intiva: https://www.token.intivahealth.com/
Carbon: https://www.carbon.money/
Cryptotask: https://www.cryptotask.org/
Mingo: http://www.mingochat.com/

Developers Discord AMA
In case you missed it, an “ask me anything” or AMA was launched a week back by Lead Developer Advocate, Ken Anderson. The goal of this initiative appeared to solicit the biggest questions the community has about the hashgraph consensus algorithm or the Hedera Hashgraph public ledger.

Developers Discord Server: https://discord.gg/FFb9YFX

Other Updates & Content
Hack Summit: Check out the Hack Summit on July 9-11 that will feature Dr. Leemon Baird the inventor of hashgraph. Use promo code, “HASHGRAPH” for a free pass.

Website: https://hacksummit.org/

BNC Article Part 2: Brave New Coin had follow-up coverage on hashgraph – this time providing a comparison to another emerging directed acyclic graph (DAG) called Nano (or formerly known as RailBlocks).

Article: https://tinyurl.com/yacg72nd

On-Chain Governance: Titled, “Its Too Soon for On-Chain Governance” an article circulated on Coindesk from prominent author Michael J Casey that took a look at this much debated topic. I couldn’t help but think how the Hedera Hashgraph Council will need to address these governance considerations.

Article: https://www.coindesk.com/soon-chain-governance/

Hashgraph Links:
Hedera Hashgraph Website: https://www.hederahashgraph.com/
Hedera Hashgraph Telegram Channel (General): https://t.me/hashgraph
Hedera Hashgraph Telegram Channel (News): http://t.me/hashgraphnews
Developers Discord Server: https://discord.gg/FFb9YFX
Meetup Events: https://www.meetup.com/pro/hashgraph/

What is Hashgraph?:
Hashgraph is a data structure & consensus algorithm that is fast, secure and fair.

What is Hedera Hashgraph?:
The Hedera hashgraph platform provides a new form of distributed consensus. The platform is lightning fast, secure, and fair. Hedera enables and empowers developers to build an entirely new class of distributed applications never before possible.

Video By:
The Gossip Guy – Join me as we “gossip” about the world powered by hashgraph!
“Gossip” comes from the gossip about gossip protocol that powers hashgraph.

Steemit: https://steemit.com/@gossipguy
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gossipguy_hg
Discord (Gossip Groups): https://discord.gg/XwA6eA7

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