The ancient language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis #13

Welcome back to my DTube Hebrew reading & language series.

The full study is now on line covering the Alef-Beyt here in my blog. This is a beginners program to teach letters, vowels, and reading. The vowels are marked in this bible and are designed to help avoid confusion on what a word is and how it is pronounced. The confusion is obvious in the hundreds of interpretations globally. In modern Hebrew, only children need a niqqud or vowel marking for each letter. Old manuscripts also usually have vowels marked.

This week covers Genesis 1:23-25.

This week's reading is from Genesis 1:26-28 and God(plural), "he" said let "us" make "adam" in "our" own image. No comment on this soup of mixed plural/singular verbage. There are plenty of volumes written about the meaning of "Elohim" and "elohim". Yes,it does say "let us make adam in our own image". Let's read the verses and then go back and interpret each and learn how the word order changes to bring the verse into English.

Today brings more pieces of the puzzle that is each word. We look at how the owner of each thing (noun), or receiver of each action (verb) is built into the word. If you have been following along, you have seen that we attach and, in, over, and the at the beginning of words. We are now learning our and us can be attached at the end which is new. [green boxes]


Many other words are marked above as a review. You see that prepositions (in, on, over, etc.) are marked but are not translated one for one as explained in earlier lessons. For review, I have marked the words and, so, and the with colored dots next to their Hebrew equals.

More explanations.

I am putting more detail into the videos My intention was to identify the vowels in each word and their sounds. Then say the word drawing the order in which to join every letter and vowel. Then say the word fluently.

For now I am ignoring cantillation marks and other notations. We can concentrate on intonation after you are reading! The definitions are all there and the word order is something you will get used to when you are able to read and compare verses. The ability to learn on your own is one of my goals for you.

Here are the links

Please click over to DTube and read the above passage with me in Hebrew.

▶️ DTube

Mistakes: I know how to press record, then stop when I am done. I do not know much about editing. I know there are several unintended errors. Please excuse them.

We will be finishing the first chapter of Genesis soon!

This is pretty cool! The first milestone.

If you are just starting, my lessons are all here starting at Alef, adding vowels (the dots and lines) as we go, the sofit formations and numerical values. Just go to my blog and scroll to the bottom or click here

Get your Hebrew Bible now!

Click here to obtain the book we are using. It is a free download - or browser usable.

Thanks for taking the time to watch and read.

Shabbat Shalom

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