Cheap heating

Screenshot 2023-01-14 at 11-10-37 OGRZEWANIE POSTOJOWE HCalory 8KW 12V TYPU WEBASTO.png

I was hoping to have my HHO system done by winter.

Although as I buggered off to Asia for 3 months it was not possible.
And as heating is costing way more than ever before, I am turning to the above for now as it runs on 12 volt, so can be powered by a spare car battery, the battery charged by my solar system for free, and it, the heater can be run on diesel, oil and even old engine oil, result, got loads of that.
The unit cost was £100/$120 or 500zl.

I have and still am using coal and LPG - but not after this unit arrives and I fit the first one this week. 8 KW of heat for free via old oils.


Coal has doubled in price over the last 12 months and become an expensive luxury.


So has LPG so heating my old farmhouse that I do not live in, but restore bikes there is getting expensive, or was.

I love doing the bikes in the warm with good lighting you see.


I only have to sell 1 bike a year to live off, it is as easy as that, and as some of you know, I have a barn full of these old classics, plus a large garage full too plus all the bikes in the farm house, though they are mostly fully restored and once done, I tend to forget they exist.

With the cost of living crisis as the banksters and crooks via tax theft call it via their corporate presstitutes named the MSM, many people will be unable to heat their homes now, let alone this next winter, so let us get working on a cheap, viable solution, like the one pictured.

@small1axe might find this of use as might others on here.

I am removing the coal/wood burner in picture 2 above this week to replace it with the 12 volt diesel/oil burner and will add pics and info regards how long a liter lasts, settings, efficiency, noise level etc too as I use it for a few days.
Yes not everyone needs heating, but billions do.

I am putting 1 in each of the 8 rooms if this works well, so stick around to see results, there are loads of videos about these on YT, most are called Vivor (brand name) and are available on ebay etc.
I have no affiliation to said company.

So wish me luck and have a superb week ahead, you superb people.

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