Heather Mills and The Sun


I hated losing my career when the News of The World and The Sun sacked me for a spying surveillance on Heather Mills.
The so called investigation had been the brain child/investigation of chief staff reporter, Nick Parker.
Rebekah Brooks told Nick. ‘Hart should have slammed the phone down on Mills – now she’s got her voice on tape on her website – it exposes us - we aren’t allowed to use private investigators anymore.’
Nick Parker had sent a string of fake emails to Mills with News Corps blazoned over them. Nick chucked me a mobile phone to try to sort out the mess. I had been dumb struck when Mills spoke to me and she posted our chat on her website.
I was finished. Later on Hacked Off contacted me via the MP Evan Harris to try to destroy The Sun. Despite them offering me a large amount of money I declined.
Years later my mate at work Mazher was to feel the same push off of the News Corps chessboard.
It was only after this fall that I was to find out that the life I had lived was not my own.
I could look back and recognize Mazher Mahmood was working to the same agenda. Murdoch was the white rabbit handler and we were the ‘lost in fantasy’ pieces around him to be moved around the board of his Kingdom until he tossed us over the edge and we were chess pieces no longer.
There was something very wrong with me sexually – I couldn’t get turned on for the men I wanted to date, only those I had to target for the media.
I felt sad I was single. I assumed it was because I was a sex abuse victim ….now I was being told by this mysterious yet intelligent new friend, an American girl called Anna Hart that part of my sexuality was locked into the Monarch Program.
I had no idea what she was talking about!
A Monarch was a butterfly who always returned to its owner, she told me. A Monarch was a slave asset to someone called a ‘handler’ someone powerful who could afford human slaves. These slaves who had no idea they were slaves - were once children split into parts, each part was programmed to work as a spy or a courier or an assassin or a serial killer/shooter.
I was programmed as a seducer spy, I was a ‘Beta’ Anna told me gravely.
I googled it – not believing her - the internet was full of You Tubes and blogs about Hollywood stars said to be Monarchs – Marilyn Monroe, Beyonce, Brittney Spears and this Hollywood star and that. She told me that I was a Psy Ops Super Soldier – part of me was psychic. It seemed fantastical! Delusional! Was Anna mad?
Yet it seemed to be a group madness – millions of people believed in these experiments that supposedly had gone on via the Vatican to innocent people – movie stars and a certain type of low grade Mind Control had happened to the public via our TV sets and mainstream media.
The American stranger Anna told me that my work for News Corps was part of a set up to enter into and destroy the powers of the British press a first stage of making the State able to operate in stealth to quicken the New World Order.
I didn’t believe that either but I was sure the world had gone mad – there were a lot of shooting incidents and I was interested had these people been controlled somehow and if so how did it work?
I had only my life to look back over and see the invisible string pulling – if there were any to see. I had to use myself as an experiment to examine the reality of Monarch.
The mysterious Anna Hart was right about her insight to my life events – it had been me who bought in phone hacking, via my ex MI6 connected boyfriend John Boyall who worked for KCS Ltd – all MI6 spooks, Boyall, my long time lover, whom I had bought in to the News of The World. He had also not been mention in the scandal instead a working-class patsy who ran around the office for him took the fall and the press exposure.
Not only that, behind me there lay a trial of ruined lives – a terrorist leader in the Real IRA was in prison, I had spied on him when I had taken him as a lover on orders from the Murdoch newspaper I was employed by.
I had led an adventuresome life yet those adventures made no sense – they did however start to make sense when I considered that they may be missions - for someone else’s agenda. Then they made massive sense. But how can someone control another, it all seemed so far fetched.
Like all Monarch I was kept in poverty – so when trigger words were used to set me off – I would follow ideas that arrived wholesale into my head …hoping it would lead to some kind of good life for me – it never did – tornadoes took you to the emerald city missions– never home again.
Like all good stories, only true loves kiss can melt a frozen heart – mine just happened to be from an American serial killer.
I hope my tale helps you on your own journey and I hope it wakes you up.
We cannot even see the chains that bind us so tightly and how only love will ultimately free us from this invisible grip that will one day ultimately destroy humanity.

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