My Garden Plans this Year

So last year my family didn't do anything serious with gardening because we were all so busy. But our neighbor had this huge garden. Well she is older and needed some help with it. So I helped her to pull the weeds and trellace the tomato's and harvest some things.

This year I want to do my own small garden!!

I will still help her if she gardens so big again. And try to get my brother to help her too. But I have some ideas of what I would like to grow.

I love carrots! So much. So I want to grow them. I am actually going to start soon indoors, then transplant out after this coldest weather is gone on.

I will do lettuce too because it is fairly easy and it grows fast and my mom uses a lot in salads!

Kiwi!! This is a dream because the plants won't be cheap and I hear they can be hard to get started. And you need both a male and female. So... we'll see!

Mint...three different kinds. Last summer the neighbor lady showed me how to make minti-ade. It is like lemonade, but with lots of mint. It is so good and refreshing! She said she will give me the spearmint from her plants. And I want to buy Lemon balm and peppermint!


Kale is for my mom. Last year she bought a lot of kale to make smoothies. She got me to drink some by sweetening them with berries and honey. They were pretty good. So I want to save my mom some money by growing it!

That is all for now. We will probably get to bring home many things from the neighbor's again. But I wanted to grow my own garden and grow some of the things that she isn't growing that much of.

What do you think? What are you growing in a garden this year? I hope you all have a great year!

The pictures are from and are open domain.

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