watermelons benefits for healthy

Here area unit a number of the advantages of watermelons as delineate by specialiser Apoorva Saini from Santoshiarogyam Diet E Clinic and Dr Priyanka Rohatgi, senior advisor and specialist from Apollo Hospital in India:


Maintain healthy skin and hair
Watermelon is made in fat-soluble vitamin and carotene levels, that build it smart for skin and hair. additionally, this fruit has high levels of carotenoid, thus it's anti-aging properties.

Help forestall cancer
Lycopene may be a phytonutrient and thus made in inhibitor content, thus it will facilitate forestall cancer. many studies have shown that carotenoid reduces cancer risk by decreasing hormone, a macromolecule concerned in biological process.

Keep body hydrous
Watermelon compositions area unit ninety two % water, that successively helps you to remain hydrous. the quantity of fine water composition combined with fiber can assist you feel full.

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