The Healthiest Chocolate Smoothie In the World!

Do you LOVE chocolate, but HATE that guilty feeling afterwards? Well, I've got the most delicious chocolate smoothie recipe for you that'll not only make your trillions cells and taste buds happy, but will also help to enhance your mood, help you lose weight, increase your energy levels, lower your blood pressure, reverse diabetes and other known illnesses and diseases, and gives you mental clarity.

This chocolate smoothie contains cacao, the REAL chocolate! Cocoa is the heated and processed form of chocolate (or cacao) and has been stripped away from all its nutrients. You might have heard that chocolate is bad for you, but this is NOT true, UNLESS you're eating real, raw, unprocessed or refined, organic cacao. because in that case, chocolate is INDEED good for you!

So, rejoice chocolate lovers! Raw and organic cacao contains a rich amount of antioxidants that helps fight against cancer, diabetes, is good for the brain (cacao is brain food and keeps your mind sharper), and prevents and slows aging. Research has shown countless times that cacao is great for us, and we should embrace and celebrate that fact. When you eat a diet rich in fresh raw living foods, you experience ALL the nutritional values and benefits food contains.

This chocolate shake or smoothie is the healthiest chocolate smoothie you'll ever drink. It's low-fat, 100% guilt-free, and super healthy for you; you're gonna feel good about feeding this to your kids! Ah... the feel you get when you nourish your body with the good stuff.... :)

Raw Vegan Chocolate Smoothie Recipe
Serves 2, 32 ounce mason jars chocolate_smoothies

~ 6-7 fresh large bananas (3 frozen, 3-4 fresh ones) 1 1/2 cups filtered water (you can add up to 2 2 medium-large freshly pitted medjool dates (very important that you cut open your dates to remove the pit and check for any bugs!) 2 large heaping tablespoons raw cacao powder

*** Make sure your bananas are RIPE! By ripe, I mean spotty bananas. Bananas are NOT ripe if they're all bright yellow.***

1.) Pour in the 1 1/2 cups of filtered water in your high-speed blender pitcher.
2.) Peel ripe bananas and break them apart into your smoothie, and add in the rest of the ingredients.
3.) Blend until a creamy and smooth consistency. Feel free to add more of less water, depending on how thin or thick you like your smoothies.
4.) Serve in your desired glass and enjoy! Share with friends and family who love chocolate!

When your bananas are ripe, you don't need to add any or much sweeteners!

Article on the benefits of dark chocolate and how healthy it is:

Please give me an upvote if you've enjoyed this recipe!

#rawvegan #chocolate #rawveganchocolate

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