Healthy- life long-life African-pride


Heath is wealth . How rich you are is not a function of your asset or bank account.your health goes along way to tell of how rich you are. Just as most people have little or know knowledge of what vision is until they loose their sight, you can ask a blind mind to tell you the practicality of having your sight functional. Therefore take conscious step to review this tips to enhance your healthy and improve your daily living

A. The sleep-wake cycle:
Numerous researchers have tried to study what goes on in the body after we fall asleep. According to studies, our bodies go through five stages when we sleep:
Stage 1- This involves light sleep where you drift in and out of sleep and can be awakened easily.
Stage 2: Here the brain waves and activities reduce drastically as the body prepares itself for deep sleep. The body temperature drops at this stage and the heart rate also slows down.
Stage 3: This involves deep sleep, where very slow brain waves, called delta waves, interspersed with more rapid brain waves. A person can’t be awakened easily at this point. This is also when some people experience sleepwalking or talking in their sleep. This phenomenon is called parasomnia and it usually occurs at the transition between waking, Non-REM sleep and REM sleep.
Stage 4: This is a stage of deep sleep, with only very slow brain activity. People who are woken up at this stage may feel disoriented for some time.
REM: This is the stage where dreams set in. It involves rapid eye movements, shallow breathing, intense brain activity, associated during wake times, happens at this stage. Both heartbeat and blood pressure increases at this stage.
How to wake up feeling fresh:
The importance of sleep cannot be emphasised enough. When you sleep, your body repairs itself, the brain’s long-term memory is restored, tissues are repaired and the body and mind are rejuvenated.
While some of us enjoy early mornings and are at our creative best then, the majority of us wake up in the morning feeling groggy and wanting to go back to sleep. So, how do you get your body used to the process of waking up early, without feeling the drudgery of pushing yourself out of bed?
Have a look at the following tips that will help you wake up to an energised start:

1.Stick to a consisted schedule: By ensuring that you go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, even during weekends, you’ll be able to put in the required hours of sleep every day. Some people need eight full hours, while for others, six hours is enough. By sleeping at the same consistent time every day you can figure out how many hours of sleep you actually need.

2.Avoid alcohol/caffeine before going to sleep: Unless you want to wake up to a bad hangover or remain super energised the entire night, the next day, drinking coffee or alcohol is not such a good thing immediately before going to sleep. Alcohol has a tendency to interfere with the brain’s activity, hence altering the sleep pattern. So, if you must have a drink, make sure that you leave enough gap before bedtime.

3.Avoid gadgets before going to sleep: Any kind of artificial light can interrupt your sleep patterns. Hence, it is a good idea to switch off all electronic devices at least 45 minutes before you go to sleep. This will help you prepare for sleep, by telling your mind to ‘switch off’. Read a book, instead. Or just sit with your eyes closed for a few minutes. This will help your body and mind unwind.

4.Ditch the snooze: Set the alarm for the actual time that you want to wake up to. Get up at that time and resist the urge to go back to sleep. It may be difficult at first, but your body will slowly adjust to getting up naturally, without the need for the alarm clock.

5.Hydrate: Your body uses up a lot of water during the six-eight hours of night sleep. Hence, it is important to rehydrate as soon as you wake up. Drinking a glass of water in the morning will help refresh you, get your digestive processes working, and energise you.

6.Meditate: Taking some time to meditate in the morning will help you refresh your mind and body, and will calm you down so that you can face the new day with a positive frame of mind.

7.Get some fresh air: If possible, go out and get some sunshine in the morning. The fresh, morning air and the connection with nature will rejuvenate you and keep you energetic the whole day. A 30-minute brisk walk is also known to strengthen the heart.

8.Eat fruit. Eating of natural fruit helps in building the body tissues and fight against bacteria. Mind you it is important to note that you don't take fruit on a full stomach rather on an empty stomach that is while it comes before taking your meal

9.Take your breakfast on time. Research has proven that taken breakfast early in the morning goes along way to to prevent alot of alignment.

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