The Twins Survive Sickness & A Month Without Daddy

Well, we've made it over a month now without @ironmanmatt here! It's a relief knowing that we've passed one major milestone. I feel like we can tackle another month now.

Matt's photobook arrived not too long ago. Squirt was fascinated by it! We looked through it ... and this was her favorite page:

It's one of her favorite books to read now.

I've been off Steemit for two weeks, but it wasn't for lack of trying. The twins got sick. Well, Squirt got sick first. She came down with a fever last Tuesday night. It went away but came back after a day and a half. Another two nights and it broke for good.

For a week though she didn't sleep well, waking up every hour throughout the night. Of course, that meant Mommy didn't sleep well either. I was exhausted ... the days were filled with round-the-clock care. And no relief. This was probably the hardest part of single parenting so far. It's tough not having anyone else who can rock the baby while you catch a few minutes of sleep.

After her fever broke, Squirt got congested and had trouble breathing at night. Five days in, Squish came down with a fever. Thankfully, I knew what to expect and that made it a little easier. Her sickness was almost identical to her sisters. She's still getting over the congestion, but Squirt seems almost back to normal.

Looking back, it's all a blur of crying, taking temperatures, and trying to figure out how to keep them comfortable. I'm not sure how we made it through ... and I don't think I can handle another round of sickness without Matt. That just means I'm going to have to be extra careful where we go ... and who touches them.

I wish people would be more considerate about not touching or holding babies if they've been sick recently. Since I'm by myself and trying to manage both girls, it's easy for people to pick one up before I can ask them not to. And I don't really want to grill everyone ...

"When was the last time you were sick?"

"Have you washed your hands ... and face ... and do you have a face mask you can wear?"

:D Yeah, a little overboard. I thought so.

Anyway, that's my vent. These girls are still awfully cute even when they're sick and haven't slept well in a week. (I wish I could say the same for myself! lol)

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