The Twins Get To See New Spaces And Try New Foods

We signed our tenancy agreement for the new apartment today! I think the agent thought we were a little strange when I asked for time to measure all the rooms while Matt turned on and off every switch in the unit to make sure they all worked (experience has taught us a few things).

The whole scene was probably made funnier as we talked out loud to the girls so they wouldn't worry about what was happening (they're in "stranger danger" mode so we can't even leave the room without some cry of protest).

After I finished jotting down the measurements, the agent asked if we were planning to remodel (LOL). Matt told him we were moving from a 1600 square foot place to 700 square feet so we just need to make sure everything fits.

Planning ahead

When we got home, I jumped onto Roomsketcher (a really fun, free online tool)! After building the floor plan, I added our furniture, then started rearranging things.

Yes, I'm a planning-nerd (the complete opposite of Matt) ... This will be our fifth apartment in the 4 years we’ve been married. For me, planning out where everything is going to go really helps on moving day! With things coming and going, Matt and I need to be able to stay on the same page. Also, it gives us a realistic picture beforehand of what we can take and what we need to purge.

I love the challenge of figuring out how we’re going to make this work and then anticipating the outcome. About one more week and then it’ll all start to take shape!

Before I go back to planning and packing ...

The twins had avocado for the first time! A friend found them on sale and gave us one for the girls to try. They loved it!

Squish really doesn’t like getting her hands dirty, so she preferred having me feed it to her.

Squirt, on the other hand, wasn’t too concerned about getting it in her mouth. I actually think she was happier getting it all over herself! LOL

Maybe because it meant baths afterward...

These girls just keep getting cuter! It'll be interesting to see how they handle the transition. I think there will be challenges for all of us, but I also think they're at a good age to move. We'll just keep taking each day in stride (or scoots)!

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