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Dirty places, dirty people

I saw an article that wrote about the polarisation of the country (world). It showed some tweets of what people wrote about those who do not take the vaccination. A vaccination against Covid-19.

"We should shoot them all or take them to the gas chamber"

"During the second World War they know what to do with those people."

"We should put them against a wall and pour...."

If you are vaccinated I have a question for you. Why do you care about unvaccinated people? You took the jab because with this shot YOU are SAFE or? You are safe, you cannot get sick, you are immune, you have your QR code which means you can celebrate life. You can visit festivals, restaurants, malls and all the hospital beds are for you and the unvaxxed even pay for your vaccinations and healthcare! You should be happy.

#october #kittywu #covid19 #healthcare #twitter #tweet #covidvacvination