RE: Why many African women are dissappointed At having a C-section

Well thought post here.
The fact about Africa and it's people is that we are slow to adopting technological breakthrough, in medicine especially. I have heard of people who disagree to surgery, and thereby lost the opportunity to live.

When my first born was to be delivered, the last two scans that my wife did showed that the baby was about 4.1kg, when it was still a week before the EDD. This was too big to be delivered through the vagina, especially for a first delivery. I was there at her clinical appointment when she was told that she would have to undergo a planned C-section. She just started crying.

She was immediately admitted into the antenatal ward, scheduled for CS the next morning. It took the intervention and the encouragement from the nurses to calm her down. At the end, she preferred the C-section.

It is a continuous enlightenment that Africans need, both men and women. Science makes life easier for us. We should not see these scientific breakthroughs as unnatural. The lives it saves is more important than the pride you may seem to get from vaginal delivery.

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