Going to school or a kindergarten does not oblige you to agree to the proposed medical intervention.

I hear words of fear from many parents whose kids visit educational organisations:
"They make us agree for all medical procedures, we can't reject, otherwise they will forbid my kid to come there".

It's wrong!

My son is unschooled now, and that's why I'm calm in this question. But when he wasn't, and I wasn't sure he would, I studied this topic carefully to be aware of my rights.
And even now he visits a sport organisation, I see the trainers there are wise enough and didn't take part in Covid circus with masks, but still, if they require any medical papers, I should know my rights.


  1. First, receiving medical care is a right, not an obligation of citizens;

  2. Secondly, parents are the legal representatives of their children and can decide for themselves - when, where and to what extent the child receives medical care;

  3. Thirdly, every citizen has the right to independently choose a doctor and a medical organization.

In accordance with Part 2 of Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, every citizen of our country is guaranteed the availability and free of charge of preschool, basic general and secondary vocational education in state and municipal educational institutions.

This constitutional guarantee presupposes the absence of any additional conditions for access to education, moreover, it does not allow any segregation or discrimination.
Therefore, any threats to parents that they are required to receive honey. the help organized by the school/kindergarten is untenable. These organizations are obliged to provide children with education, and not arrange a dictatorship by threatening parents.

No one can be subjected to medical, scientific or other experiments without voluntary consent.

Medical intervention in relation to a child under the age of 15 is carried out on the basis of the informed voluntary consent of one from the parents of the child.

The requirement for mandatory consent to any medical intervention in relation to a healthy child admitted by a pediatrician to visit an educational organization, for the admission of a child to full-time education in an educational organization, is not established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Compulsory medical intervention in relation to children without the consent of their parents, without respecting their right to choose a doctor and medical organization and without taking into account the fact that they have a preferential right to raise their own children over all other persons, including making decisions related to caring for the health of children - is not is legal.

here in the link all Russian parents can find necessary examples of applications and docs

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