5 Speech Benefits for Women


You must be familiar with vegetables called sprouts? In addition to cheap and easy to get anywhere, sprouts also have a delicious taste and suitable to be processed into foods such as stir-fry, wet spring rolls.

The sprouts are known to increase fertility, also contains a variety of nutrients that are needed by the body, including: vitamins B, C, B1, B6, K, A, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, manganese and acid omega 3 fats. Wow, lots of it, right?

Well, what does the benefits of various vitamins and substances mentioned just now? Here's the answer!

1. Prevent breast cancer


One of the substances contained in sprouts is vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant. Well, antioxidants serve to ward off free radicals that can trigger cancer, especially breast cancer in women. So you can eat sprouts regularly to prevent cancer in your body.

2. Boost immunity


Taoge contains a substance called saponins that serves to improve the immune system, namely by increasing the activity of blood cells naturally. If your immunity is awake, you will not get sick easily and can live the activity with passion.

3. As a skin care from within


You must know dong if vitamin E is good for skin beauty? The good news, vitamin E content in sprouts quite a lot. So if you regularly eat bean sprouts, your skin will be smoother, chewy, moist, and protected from skin problems like dry skin.

4. Prevent menstrual disorders


Your periods are not smooth? Try deh multiply the consumption of water and healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables. Well, toge is also one of the vegetables that can help launch menstruation. That's because the antioxidant content in sprouts can help blood circulation, so that menstruation becomes more fluent and regular.

5. Helps nail and hair


In addition to good for the skin, vitamin E in sprouts is also good for nails and hair. Long-term effects of eating sprouts routine, your kitten will be stronger and not easily broken. Your hair will also avoid the loss.




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