Are You Addicted To Caffeine?

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One of the very first things before anything else that occurs each and every morning is people reaching for their morning coffee.

Daily tasks just aren't going to get done until that first cup of coffee has made its way into the body.

After all, you need to feel awake and even more so, deal with people.

Taking in caffeine is also a quick fix for that afternoon slump that many may feel. Energy drinks have joined forces with coffee to keep us mentally awake.

Caffeine can also be a way to have a social gathering as you catch up with someone over a cup of coffee.

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With all the great feelings and alertness caffeine can give you, can it really be bad for your health? Can we really get addicted?

You tell me...

What Is Caffeine?

Let's first look at what caffeine does. Caffeine is a natural stimulant which can work wonders by stimulating your brain and central nervous system. This will end up giving you that alert and awake feeling.

It can lead to an increase in the neurotransmitters of the brain such as dopamine and norepinephrine and also increase blood adrenaline levels.

This type of brain stimulation can give you better focus, alertness, and promotes a state of arousal. Caffeine is often referred to as a psychoactive drug because it has effects on the brain.

Also, the effects of caffeine are known to work very quickly, which is a benefit to many.

Caffeine Addiction?

This unnatural way to stay alert and awake can eventually take its toll on your body. The normal means of functioning are now being disrupted by the constant intake of caffeine.

The more you use it the more your body will produce a need for it. You will notice this dependence when after long term use, you try and stop, You will then face withdrawals which can be anything from headaches, irritability, lack of appetite, forgetfulness, and fatigue.

After long term use, you may find yourself unable to focus and perform usual tasks without caffeine.

Health Side Effects Of Caffeine

Caffeine has been known to cause of irregular heartbeats. It is also known to raise blood pressure which can bring on constant stress and hypertension. The risks of heart disease, pancreas and bladder cancer, are all raised with the consumption of caffeine.

Consumption can also effect sleep patterns, especially if taken in close to bedtime and cause such things as shaky hands.

Final Thoughts

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The thought of giving up caffeine may be something many just aren't willing to do. If anything, do your best to cut it back.

As stated before, the withdrawal effect may not be the most pleasant, but it may be worth it for your health. If you find yourself drinking 6 cups of coffee a day, try a gradual cutback immediately. Try to replace these drinks with healthier alternatives such as lemon water to bring your dependency on caffeine down.

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