36 Days of Healthy Eating : Day 3

Day3 started off just GREAT!!!!
I was weak as those yummy chocolate covered donut munchkins sat on my desk at 6am.
I gave in and ate TWO. They were so delicious.

Starting at 6:05am I was on the right track.
I coached Masters Swim Practice from 6:30-8:30 then before I left work to run my 6 Miles home, I ate my banana.


I had just burned 677 calories so by the time I made it home I was starving. I showered then devoured the BEST apple ever.


1:00pm rolled around and it was LUNCH TIME


I had red, green, yellow & orange bell pepper slices and some cauliflower with 2 tablespoons of ranch dressing to lightly dip them in.

I do have to say that I was REALLY HUNGRY by the time 7:00pm appeared.

For dinner we had..............


Turkey Cheeseburgers with fried onion, lettuce, tomato and avocado on top.

On the side we had Baked Beans, Brussel Sprouts/Asparagus and Roasted Baked Potatoes/Sweet Potatoes

To top off the night I am going to eat 4 Double Stuffed Oreos.

Thank you for following me and my story,

BE Healthy
BE Proud

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